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Human Resources Analyst ⼈⼒资源分析师 SUMMARY DESCRIPTION 概要描述 Monitor and implement the strategies defined to meet needs, R&S, Training and Development, career paths, personnel management, labor relaDons and cultural pracDces in order to contribute to improving the internal well-being of all people. 监督和实施为满⾜需求、研发、培训和发展、职业道路、⼈事管理、劳动关系和 ⽂化实践⽽制定的战略,以促进改善所有⼈的内部福祉。 Degree in AdministraDon or People Management. Postgraduate Degree in People Management, Business English, etc. ⾏政或⼈事管理学位。⼈事管理、商务英语等专业研究⽣学位。 KNOWLEDGE 知识 Excel, English Excel,英语 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES 活动描述 Carry out the acDviDes related to the posiDon and the processes established for the subsystems of the area (recruitment and selecDon, training and development programs, personnel administraDon, benefits plan, internal acDons, internal communicaDon and indicators). 开展与职位相关的活动,以及为该领域的⼦系统(招聘和选拔、培训和发展计 划、⼈事管理、福利计划、内部⾏动、内部沟通和指标)制定的流程。 Support the work team in the area of experDse, monitoring the acDviDes and interacDng with the immediate superior and promoDng acDons related to the improvement of the process and development of the sector's employees, aiming at achieving the pre-established goals. 在专业知识领域⽀持⼯作团队,监督活动并与直接上级互动,促进与改进流程和 部⻔员⼯发展相关的⾏动,旨在实现预先设定的⽬标。 Prepare and monitor the training and development process by issuing an annual training plan in accordance with the performance evaluaDon or similar systemaDcs, ensuring the logisDcs of training, and issuing effecDveness evaluaDons (when necessary), in order to enable the monitoring of the necessary development of each person and each posiDon, in accordance with the Group's objecDves. 通过根据绩效评估或类似系统发布年度培训计划,确保培训的后勤保障,并发布 有效性评估(必要时),准备和监控培训和发展过程,以便能够根据集团⽬标监 控每个⼈和每个职位的必要发展。 Provide assistance to employees, guiding and clarifying doubts inherent to the Group, community and other maYers, using bulleDn boards, e-mail or personal service, in order to meet the needs of employees. 通过公告板、电⼦邮件或个⼈服务为员⼯提供帮助,引导和澄清集团、社区和其 他事项固有的疑虑,以满⾜员⼯的需求。 Assist internal markeDng and sustainability campaigns, sporadically and in accordance with internal campaigns, preparing communicaDon and events, such as: parDes, commemoraDve dates and community contact events, with the aim of seeking moDvaDon and communicaDon with the public internal and external, strengthening the relaDonship between employees and managers. 偶尔并根据内部活动,协助内部营销和可持续发展活动,准备沟通和活动,如: 派对、纪念⽇和社区联系活动,⽬的是寻求动⼒并与内部和外部公众沟通,加强 员⼯和管理者之间的关系。 Maintain the organizaDon and cleanliness of the area through the correct separaDon, allocaDon and filing of documents in the respecDve medical records/drawers/boxes, as well as control of dead files and other documents / folders / handouts / materials circulaDng in the area. 通过正确分离、分配和归档各个医疗记录/抽屉/盒⼦中的⽂件,以及控制区域内 流通的废弃⽂件和其他⽂件/⽂件夹/讲义/材料,保持区域的组织和清洁。 Update payroll in accordance with local labor laws and wage policy defined by the Company. 根据当地劳动法和公司规定的⼯资政策更新⼯资单。 Knowing the Vision, Mission, Values of the organizaDon, its Code of Conduct, Company Book and the Sustainability system, thus collaboraDng for the development of the company's business and the work team, as well as promoDng harmony in interpersonal relaDonships and the balance of the Planet. 了解组织的愿景、使命、价值观、⾏为准则、公司⼿册和可持续发展体系,从⽽ 为公司业务和⼯作团队的发展进⾏合作,并促进⼈际关系的和谐和地球的平衡。 Commit to maintaining and complying with the company's Management System (Quality, OccupaDonal Safety and Environment), becoming aware of the policies, internal procedures and pre-established work instrucDons, aiming to ensure aligned and focused acDons, through professional a^tudes and aware, which aim to fully meet the needs of internal and external customers. 致⼒于维护和遵守公司的管理体系(质量、职业安全和环境),了解政策、内部 程序和预先制定的⼯作指令,旨在通过专业态度和意识确保⼀致和集中的⾏动, 以充分满⾜内部和外部客户的需求。 ParDcipate in training and development programs, which provide the improvement of knowledge for maYers related to the company's business, the area itself or the posiDon held, aiming at conDnuous improvement of processes and professional and personal development. 参与培训和发展计划,该计划旨在提⾼与公司业务、领域本⾝或职位相关的知 识,旨在持续改进流程以及专业和个⼈发展。 Provide assistance and carry out other professional acDviDes related and inherent to the posiDon held and/or as directed by the immediate Superior. 提供协助并开展与所担任职位相关和固有的其他专业活动和/或按照直属上级的指 示开展其他专业活动


1. 如您发现平台内招聘方存在以下违规行为的,请立即举报
  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 工作时长违反劳动法规定;
  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。
