19年来, 致力于快销品市场,MULTIBRANDS 在品系拓展和市场营销方面实现了快速增长。这得益于创新型的管理体系。公司在欧洲市场的占有率不断扩大,进而推动了全球的业务增长,持续提升了我司品牌在国际市场的地位。马蒂布兰兹在英国成立多年,总部和物流中心位于英国约克郡布拉福德市中心附近,致力于为客户提供优质的产品和服务。马蒂布兰兹贸易(苏州)有限公司注册成立于2010年,经过7年的发展,公司现已成为母公司的全球OEM采购与物流周转中心。马蒂布兰兹的核心价值观是培育超高性价比的强势品牌,并致力于为我们的分销伙伴和消费者提供卓越的品质与超值服务。目前公司旗下包含ESSENCE(爱神诗)品牌卫生巾;FLUORODINE(弗洛迪恩)口腔护理系列;SUPACELL(速霸赛)电池、LED照明系列;ULTRALOC(欧特牢)胶水系列;LIPAID(立普艾斯)润唇膏系列;UNITY(优力替)避孕套系列;DURAPLAST(久若普莱斯特)创口贴系列;ACTIVE PRO 功能型饮料系列等国际畅销品牌。优质产品的开发是一个持续过程,我们每年都会进行产品升级和开发新品来增强品牌的生命力。针对成熟品牌,我们也会定期根据市场需求升级功能与包装,不断为消费者提供优质产品的体验。每一位员工都是我们的合作伙伴,我们真诚期待与您一起实现公司的持续互利共赢。马蒂布兰兹贸易(苏州)有限公司Founded in 1998, Multibrands has gone from strength to strength and has continued to push forward with investment throughout. We continue with our plans for further expansion and growth in 2017.Our Dynamic and rapidly expanding team is headquartered in Bradford, UK and as well as covering the UK and Ireland, we export across the EU, Middle East, Asia, USA, and the Southern Hemisphere with no signs of slowing down. Our promise; ‘To develop, expand and produce a range of branded fast moving consumer goods that continually exceed expectations in quality, price and performance for the global marketplace’ remains as true as ever.With new packaging and POS material for many of our leading brands, alongside new innovative brand launches over the coming year, now really is the time to take advantage of everything Multibrands has to offer.