• RCS Global, a highly experienced and great responsible raw materials supply chain audit and advisory group. We have been there over 10 years; RCS Global,一个经验丰富,优秀的负责任采购供应链审核和咨询团队,已致力于供 应链负责任采购十年;
• Representations in China, Europe, the US and in Africa and work at each stage of the mineral value chain; 在中国,欧洲,美国和非洲均设有办公室,工作 在矿物价值链的每个阶段;
• We empower upstream, midstream and downstream operators to demonstrate the highest standards of responsible supply chain due diligence and compliance; 我们向上游、中游和下游企业展示负责任供应链尽职调查和合规的高标准;
• We have established an unrivalled position as the bridge between actors at each stage of the value chain, from major EU, US and Chinese industry bodies and corporations to global manufacturers, processors, mining companies and artisanal mining communities. 我们已经确立了不可替代的地 位,成为价值链各个阶段的参与者之间的桥梁,这些参与者包括欧盟、美国和中国的 主要行业机构和企业,以及全球制造商、加工商、矿业公司和手采矿区。