团队领航家,深圳龙岗万科店(预计2022年6月开业) ID108248 薪资面议
深圳-龙岗区 3-5年 本科
绩效奖金 五险一金 服装补助 弹性工作 带薪年假
吕女士 当前在线 已认证
lululemon athletica 正在寻求一名具有高度领导才能、有志于团队成员发展和社区互动的团队领航家。职位的主要目标是领导零售区,在店内保持出色的客人体验。 您的工作内容 每天穿着弹力裤工作,向客人和社区谈论有关健康、健身和瑜伽的内容,培养人们健康的生活方式。团队领航家通过培训、指导和发展产品教育家团队,确保零售区的宣介达到出色水平,从而提供 lululemon 水准的客人体验。团队领航家须构建门店团队能力,推动战略实施,在当下和未来实现经营业绩。在门店经理和副经理的监督下,该职位负责协助日常领导和门店运营的关键领域。团队领航家要散发 lululemon 的文化气息,热爱运动健身,致力于为身边的人创造奇妙的体验。 团队领航家的日常 在零售区和社区热情领导团队并宣介我们的产品、社区和文化 倡导 lululemon athletica 价值观并打造客人体验 根据门店经理和副经理委托,监督执行经理“80/20 检查清单”上的某些任务项目。例如,库存、产品或社区活动 在零售区工作,鼓励和激励员工 根据门店经理和副经理的指示代表门店参加所有必要会议、活动和讨论会 为产品教育家提供指导,亲力亲为地帮助他们发展 此职位需要哪些技能? 至少一年零售/销售管理方面的工作经验,或同等管理职位经验 商科、市场营销、零售或相关专业(优先考虑)学士学位 熟悉 MS Office(Word、Excel 和 Outlook)操作 注重细节,有条理,时间管理能力强 有能力处理多重任务和协调正在进行的项目、计划和人员发展 喜欢集思广益、解决问题,并且善于创新、机智敏捷 态度积极,对 lululemon、社区和他人热情、有感染力 对瑜伽和/或运动拥有热情、具备相关知识并参与其中 对风格具有较强的个人审美观,从运动角度出发看待问题 较强的问题解决和决策能力 具有创业精神,有远见,关注问题的解决办法 申请此职位: 如果您期待在一家促进和支持健康、健身、个人发展、成长、变化、责任和全面成功的公司就职,请在此职位下直接递交简历和求职信。 lululemon athletica is seeking a highly capable leader who is passionate about developing others and connecting with the community as a Key Leader on our team. The key objective of this position is to lead our retail floor and maintain amazing guest experience in stores. About the role The role will combine the life-altering potential of wearing stretchy pants to work every day while talking health, fitness and yoga to your guests and community. The key leader plays a key role in ensuring an exceptional level of education on the retail floor by training, coaching, and developing a team of Educators that delivers the lululemon guest experience. Key leaders build capabilities within the store team to drive strategy and achieve results for the business, today and tomorrow. Under the supervision of the Store Manager and Assistant Store Manager, the position supports in day-to-day leadership and key areas of store operations. Our Key Leader emanates the lululemon culture, is a lover of fitness and sweaty endeavors, and is committed to creating amazing experiences for those around them. A Day in the Life Passionately leads and educates on our product, community and culture on the retail floor and in the community Takes a stand as an advocate for lululemon athletica’s values and guest experience Oversees the execution of certain deliverables on the Manager ‘80/20 Checklist’, as delegated by the Store Manager or Assistant Manager. For example, Inventory, Product or Community Events Present on the retail floor encouraging and energizing staff Represents her/his store at all required meetings, events and conferences, under the direction of the Store Manager and Assistant Store Manager Acts as a coach to Educators and plays a hands-on roll in their development Must Haves (the Knowledge, Skills and Qualifications) Minimum one year’s work experience in retail / sales leadership, or an equivalent role Bachelor’s degree in business, marketing, retail or related field (preferred) Working knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel and Outlook) Detail oriented and highly organized with strong time management skills Ability to multi-task and coordinate ongoing projects, plans and people development Love of brainstorming, problem-solving, being creative and resourceful Positive attitude and contagious enthusiasm for lululemon, community, and people Passion, knowledge and involvement in yoga, and/or athletics Strong sense of personal style and athletically minded Excellent decision making and problem resolution skills Entrepreneurial, proactive and solution-oriented To Apply for this position If you are seeking a position in a company which fosters and supports health and fitness, personal development, growth, change, responsibility and overall success please submit your resume and cover letter directly to this posting.


关于lululemon lululemon(纳斯达克证券代码:LULU)为瑜伽、跑步、训练等运动及生活场景打造专业的鞋服及配饰,通过推出具有突破性的产品和体验,建立有意义的人际联结,激发潜能,提升人们的幸福感。作为面料创新和功能设计领域的行业标杆,lululemon从全球瑜伽习练者和运动员社群中汲取反馈,持续赋能产品研发。更多信息,请访问lululemon.com。 关于lululemon中国 lululemon积极拓展国际业务,中国是重要的合作伙伴。lululemon携手大使,依托门店布局及数字化策略与客人们建立真实的联结,倡导积极健康的生活方式,响应“健康中国”的号召。lululemon的使命是赋能人们感受更好的自己,实现更大的潜能。 等待你和我们一起,激发潜能,乐赴未来!


1. 如您发现平台内招聘方存在以下违规行为的,请立即举报
  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 工作时长违反劳动法规定;
  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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