工艺安全工程师-天津 10-15k
天津-滨海新区 经验不限 硕士
五险一金 餐费补贴 岗位晋升
白女士 当前在线 已认证
顾问(C) · 康龙化成
岗位职责: 1. Strong chemical engineering background in the area of reaction engineering, heat and mass transfer, unit operations, competent with basic chemical engineering calculations using excel or other available software. 在反应工程、传热传质、单元操作等领域有较强的化学工程背景,能使用excel或其他可用软件进行基本的化学工程计算; 2. Willing to work in the lab to collect safety and design data. The job is about 50% lab work and similar portion will be computer work. 意向在实验室收集安全和设计数据。这项工作大约有50%是实验室工作,类似的部分是计算机工作; 3. Run reaction calorimetry experiment (RC1), then perform reaction kinetic study from heat flow and chemistry conversion data. Based on the study, give suggestion on scale up condition such as reaction temperature. 进行反应量热实验(RC1),然后根据热流和化学转化数据进行反应动力学研究。在此基础上,对反应温度等放大条件提出了建议; 4. Give suggestion on process optimization. For example, optimize the process to dosing controlled type from heat accumulation. 提出工艺优化建议,例如,将工艺从热积累优化为加药控制; 5. Understand heat transfer knowledge. Calculate cooling capacity of reactor. Give suggestion on safe dosing time during manufacture from RC1 data. 了解传热知识、计算反应器的冷却能力、根据RC1数据,对生产过程中的安全投加时间提出建议; 6. Understand runaway situation such as thermal runaway and explosion. 了解热失控、爆炸等失控情况; 7. Run adiabatic calorimeter such as ARSST, VSP2 and ARC. Have the knowledge of DIERS. Understand pipe resistance calculation and vent sizing calculation. 运行绝热量热计,如ARSST、VSP2和ARC。有DIERS的知识,了解管道阻力计算和通风孔尺寸计算; 8. Understand mass transfer for reactions like hydrogenation. Predict scale up situation from RC1 heat flow and pressure data. 了解氢化反应的传质,从RC1热流和压力数据预测放大情况; 9. Give suggestions on hazard mitigation of electrostatic. Understand dust explosion and mitigation of dust hazard. 提出静电危害缓解建议,了解粉尘爆炸和减轻粉尘危害。 任职资格: 1. Degree: Master and above. Major: chemical engineering. 硕士及以上学历,化学工程专业; 2. Good communication skills (written and verbal) in both Chinese and English languages. 良好的中英文沟通能力(书面和口头); 3. Good ability of communication skill and team cooperation. Can communicate with production colleagues and oversea client. 良好的沟通能力和团队合作能力,能与生产同事及海外客户沟通。


康龙化成(北京)新药技术股份有限公司(股票代码:300759.SZ / 3759.HK)是国际领先的生命科学研发服务企业。自2003年成立以来,康龙化成一直致力于人才培养和设施建设,为包括小分子、大分子和细胞与基因治疗药物在内的多疗法药物研发打造了一个贯穿药物发现、临床前及临床开发全流程的研发生产服务体系。康龙化成在中国、美国、英国均开展运营,拥有19,000多名员工,向北美、欧洲、日本和中国的合作伙伴提供研发解决方案并与之保持良好的合作关系。(详情请访问公司网站:www.pharmaron.com)


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