销售代表-工业行业Metal-石家庄 6-12k
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Associate Recruiter · 伍尔特中国
Functional area / 职责: 1. 运用公司销售策略去执行业务政策; 2. 在指定区域开发新客户,并维护指定区域内的现有客户,并保持良好关系 (工业类客户); 3. 客情关系维护及一对一跟踪服务; 4. 同其他相关部门合作为客户提供很好的服务; 5. 负责完成指定区域内所有客户的销售目标; 6. 收集市场信息并在市场上推广公司; 7. 制作销售业务报表; Requirements / 任职要求: 1. 大专及以上学历; 2. 机械、商务或贸易专业等相关专业优先考虑; 3. 至少在销售方面有2年工作经验; 4. 头脑灵活,勇于开拓,责任心强,沟通能力强; 5. 工作有效率和团队合作精神; 6. 较强的问题解决能力; 7. 能在压力下工作; 8. 以目标为行动导向。


关于伍尔特中国 伍尔特集团在全球80多个国家拥有超过400多家公司,有85,000多名员工在职。2023年集团全球销售额达到204亿欧元。 伍尔特集团于1994年进入中国,顺应本土化发展和数字化浪潮,大力发展多渠道战略。几十年来传承家族精神,勇担社会责任,稳步加速中国市场拓展。伍尔特专注细节连接世界,严格遵循全球技能领域中的高质量标准,用品质和服务助力各行业的每一个个体,聚焦技能提升、创造成就,相互联结携手推进全球化新征程。 伍尔特为客户提供超过125,000种产品,包括化工品、工具、劳防用品、刃具磨料、锚栓、紧固件及ORSY系统解决方案等,服务于汽车养护、装配维修、轨道运输、城市建筑和门窗家居等行业。 伍尔特中国总部位于上海,依托于在浙江设立的占地面积47,000平米的大中华区供应链中心和自主经营的工业化工品仓储物流中心,及时响应客户需求,为客户提供便捷高效的物流服务。 About Würth China Würth Group currently consists of over 400 companies in more than 80 countries and has over 85,000 employees on its payroll, with total sales of EUR 20.4 billion in year of 2023. Würth Group entered China in 1994, following the trend of localization and digitalization, has been vigorously developing a multi-channel strategy. For decades, we have inherited the family spirit, bravely assumed social responsibility and steadily accelerated the expansion of the Chinese market. Würth focuses on details to connect the world. While strictly following the high-quality standards in the skill field, we provide the same quality and service worldwide to every individual in various industries to help them improve skills and achieve targets. Würth provides customers with more than 125,000 products, including chemicals, tools, PPE, material processing, anchors, fasteners, and our ORSY system solutions, serving industries such as automobile maintenance, assembly and maintenance, rail transportation, urban construction and doors and windows. Würth China is headquartered in Shanghai. In order to provide customers with convenient and efficient logistics services, Würth has established Central Distribution Center covering an area of 47,000 square meters and the first self-operated industrial chemical warehousing and logistics center in Zhejiang.


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