信息安全架构师【IT Security】 40-60k
上海-浦东新区 5-10年 本科
五险一金 公司规模大 弹性工作 定期体检 加班强度较低
吴先生 1天前在线 已认证
1、客户是摩根士丹利,工作地点在浦东嘉里城 2、长期人力驻场职位,有正式的headcount可以逐步convert至甲方 3、五险一金足额缴纳,补充医疗保险,15天年假 4、主要负责安全架构设计,解决方案设计工作【网络/Microsoft/存储/云/app应用 安全方向均可】 5、CISSP CISM证书; 6、英文沟通流利 The SecArch Analysts work with global IT groups to ensure IT projects are executed in a secure manner. Key responsibilities include: • Working with Infrastructure and Development teams in an architecture design and review session to provide specific security expertise. • Identifying areas of cyber risk and ensuring that these risks are appropriately managed e.g., mitigated or risk accepted. • Providing cybersecurity guidance to the Technology Department and helping with documenting security blueprints and cybersecurity position papers. The SecArch team is split into different areas of expertise and the SecArch Analyst is expected to have in-depth knowledge and practical experience in at least one of the following domains (preference for a domain depend on project demands and a current gaps in the team): • Application Security • Infrastructure Security • Cloud Computing Security • Mobile Security • Electronic Trading QUALIFICATIONS • Educated to degree level in a relevant subject • Strong interpersonal skills. • Ability to multi-task and handle multiple projects. • Strong oral and written communication skills. • Knowledge of the common application layer vulnerabilities (eg. OWASP 10), ability to explain these risks and recommend countermeasures to mitigate these risks. • Ability to evaluate technical and functional specifications and identify possible threats or areas of weakness. • Ability to review code of enterprise applications and identify possible security vulnerabilities. • Knowledge of at least one primary operating system (UNIX or Windows), the configuration and management of that platform on an enterprise scale, the security risks to that platform, and how to mitigate those risks. • Understanding of OSI network model and the risks present at each layer. • Knowledge of the functions of network equipment such as switches, routers, firewalls, proxies, VPN, and load-balancers, and an understanding of network architecture. • Familiarity and ability to explain security-related topics such as authentication, entitlements, identity management, data protection, data leakage prevention, validation checking, encryption, hashing, principle of least privilege, software attack methodologies, secure data transfer, secure data storage, etc. • Understanding of Single Sign On technologies such as SAML, Kerberos, and Siteminder. • Industry certifications (i.e., ISC2, ISACA, SAN), though not essential, will help differentiate the candidates.




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