类目运营专家 25-35k·13薪
上海 5-10年 统招本科
五险一金 年终奖金 股票期权 绩效奖金 带薪年假 团队聚餐 餐费补贴 发展空间大 扁平管理 弹性工作
侯女士 1天前在线 已认证
Senior Recruiter · 酷澎网络科技
Key Account Manager/Category Manager (Global Selling) Company Introduction Coupang is striving to build the future of commerce. We are the largest ecommerce company in Korea. Our mission is to create a world where customers wonder, ‘How did I ever live without Coupang?’ We place our customers first and offer them the best possible prices and product selection within a highly convenient and personalized shopping environment. We are continually looking for passionate builders who can work with us to fulfill our goals. Coupang China global selling business aims to get Chinese good sellers onboard on Coupang and provide good selections with competitive price to Korean customers. Role Overview • Help existing strategic sellers to grow the business on Coupang • Drive the seller performance and product quality to ensure best customer experience. • Drive key category performance (GMV & Penetration) and selections • A good internal communicator to leverage marketing resources for strategic sellers to grow continuously. Core responsibilities for this role include: • Develop seller growth strategies to accelerate the sales and selections, build the CRM database, in collaboration with internal stakeholders. • Develop and drive assigned category performance, study and analyze the category data, Korean market insights, selection guides, sales trends, etc, draft and execute the category performance boost plan accordingly. • Plan and execute seasonal online promotions with internal and external stake holders. Key deliverable will include develop seasonal hot selections, deal performance, etc. • Analyze sales data and operation data regularly to drive GMV by removing blockers, improving key feature adoptions, and seeking opportunities. • Be a pioneer. Report issues and generate high quality seller insight and make influence on key stakeholders. Co-work closely with them to make breakthroughs. • Achieve sales goal and summarize seller success routines then generate success seller stories to other teams. BASIC QUALIFICATIONS • BA/BS required • 5+ years’ experience working in sales, cross border business, online business. • Category management experience/skill (prefer appliance, outdoor/sports, home) • Ability to think strategically and creatively while executing methodically with high attention to detail, operational excellence, and ability to multi-task. • Demonstrated ability to work in a cross-functional and international environment. • Desire to work in a fast-paced, challenging environment. • Proven track record of taking ownership and driving results, experienced in handling key clients. • Strong written and verbal communication skills in English • Quick learner PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS • Fluent in Korean • Experience using analytical, marketing, and productivity tools including Business Intelligence, Tableau • Salesforce or other CRM tools, Microsoft OneNote and Microsoft SharePoint


Coupang作为纽交所上市公司(代码CPNG),为顾客提供丰富的产品选择,并提供便捷和个性化的购物体验。作为全球企业,我们的办公室分布在上海、北京、深圳、香港、台北、新加坡、东京、首尔、硅谷、西雅图、班加罗尔等地,截止2021年12月31日,共有约超过60,000名员工(直接和间接雇佣)。Coupang是韩国优质的在线零售商(包含自营和第三方平台)。根据预测,不包括汽车在内的韩国总商业市场在未来四年的复合年增长率将达到6%,到2025年将超过6000亿美元。预计同期电商领域将增长至2900亿美元。 2010年Coupang在美国注册成立,主营团购业务 2018年 收入额总计约40亿美元,比2017年增长约67% 2020年 我们的收入额增长超过90%,达到约120亿美元 2021年 在纽交所上市,成为美股历史上第五大科技类IPO,年收入与过去两年相比,增长三倍跃升为亚洲最da的电商公司之一。 2021年,我们的年收入同比增长约54%,超过180亿美元。 2022年10月,Coupang在台湾推出Rocket Delivery服务,包括Rocket Delivery和Rocket Overseas。 2023年第三季度,Coupang宣布将在“印度硅谷”班加罗尔设立新的尖端技术中心。 我们正在打造商业的未来 我们的创新 我们的Coupang Pay一键付款服务为顾客提供便捷的付款解决方案。Dawn Delivery次晨达方便顾客在午夜前订购数百万种Rocket 产品,并在次晨7点前收到。Rocket Fresh在顾客订购后的几小时内就将新鲜的有机食品送达。Quick Commerce业务在日本和中国台湾开展,在顾客订购的几分钟内在家门口收到物品,在疫情期间,超快速的交付对消费者来说是一个福音。 文化和福利 •开放环境:扁平组织、开放氛围 •休闲空间:办公室休闲空间可供自由地办公、讨论和放松 •弹性工作制:时间灵活,无需打卡,结果导向 •国际化氛围:中/韩/美汇集全球人才,畅享合作交流 •节日福利&团队活动:派对、团建和多样的员工俱乐部 •学习发展:免费外语课程、在线技术资源、专业技能分享 作为一家全球化公司,我们的办公室遍布北京、洛杉矶、西雅图、首尔、新加坡、上海、硅谷、台北、香港、深圳、班加罗尔。截止2021年底,中国有近700名员工,并持续增长。 我们专注研发,设计创新的技术解决方案,推动各方面业务的快速发展(包括前端页面、搜索与发现、 供应链等)。我们的团队有工程师、数据科学家、产品经理等,并持续热招中。我们挑战平凡、 积极主动、快速成长。加入我们,成就未来。


1. 如您发现平台内招聘方存在以下违规行为的,请立即举报
  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 工作时长违反劳动法规定;
  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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