生产计划/物料管理(PMC) 10-15k·15薪
苏州 3-5年 大专
年终奖金 五险一金 交通补助 通讯津贴 免费班车 带薪年假 年度旅游 定期体检
陆女士 当前在线 已认证
人事行政专员 · 奥钢联型材中国
1. 根据订单优先性、成品库存、销售预期和产能制定主生产计划 Create Master Production Plan based on sales order priority, inventory stock, sales forecast and production capacity 2. 根据主生产计划制订工单并下发到生产线 Create work orders and release them to production line 3. 跟进生产计划达成状况,监控采购物料的到货状态和生产产量,确保及时交货 Follow-up the implementation of production plan and monitor actual material delivery and production output for on-time delivery 4. ERP系统生产计划相关数据的输入、维护和更新 Support ERP data maintenance and update 5. 定期生产计划会议,交货问题分析和相关报告 Regular Production planning meeting, OTD and FTE related issues analyze and reporting 6. 生产工单的开出后跟踪,关闭和协助月度关帐 Work order issued follow up until closed and supporting monthly account closing of SCM function. 7. 有节能环保意识,积极参见公司组织的相关活动 Have the awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection, and actively participate relevant activities organized by the company * 完成公司要求的其他任务。 Other work assigned by the company according to the actual operation demand. 任职资格: 1.Around 3 year working experience in production planning or material control 至少3年以上生产计划或物控工作经验 2.knowing with MRP, basic knowledge supply chain management, SIOP management 了解MRP, 基本了解供应链管理, 销售,库存和计划管理 3.Prefer to CPIM certificate CPIM 证书优秀 4.Knowing with ERP, WORD, EXCEL, PPT and so on, be able to do data analysis 了解 ERP, 熟练掌握基本办公软件,精通EXCEL, 具有一定分析数据的能力 5.can reading and writing English/Basically communication 英语能读写,基本交流


Headquartered in Linz, voestalpine and its approximately 500 production and sales companies are present in more than 50 countries. The group consists of four divisions, steel division, special steel division, metal forming division and metal engineering division. 奥钢联集团总部位于奥地利林茨市,拥有约500家生产和销售公司,遍布全球50多个国家。奥钢联集团由4个事业部组成,钢铁部、高性能金属部、金属成型部以及金属工程部。 The voestalpine Group is a steel-based technology and capital goods group that operates worldwide. With its high-quality products, the Group is one of the ******* partners to the automotive and consumer goods industries in Europe and to the oil and gas industries worldwide. Furthermore, the voestalpine Group is also the world market ****** in turnout technology, special rails, tool steel, and special sections. In the business year 2021/22, the voestalpine Group reported revenue of EUR 14.9 billion; it had around 50,225 employees worldwide. 奥钢联集团是一家全球运作的以钢为基础的技术和资本货物集团,为全球客户提供钢关联产品,使其成为欧洲汽车和消费品工业以及全球石油、天然气工业的优质合作伙伴之一。而且,集团在道岔技术、工具钢和异型钢材方面都是国际市场的先驱者。在2021/22营业年度,集团创造了149多亿欧元的收益,奥钢联集团在世界范围内拥有大约50,225名员工。 Located in Suzhou industrial park, voestalpine Profilform (china) co., Ltd was set-up on Sep 25th, 2012 and is wholly owned by voestalpine metal form GmbH. We offer customized rollforming tubes and sections, airbag inflator tube and steering tube in Automotive, which are mainly applied to construction machinery, personal and commercial vehicle, constructions, solar, power plant, windows and doors . 坐落于苏州工业园区,奥钢联型材(中国)有限公司为奥钢联集团金属成型部的全资子公司,2012年9月25日成立。专业生产特殊截面的定制冷弯型材产品和汽车行业安全系统所用部件,产品主要用于工程机械、汽车乘用车、建筑工程、太阳能、发电厂、门窗系统、轨道交通以及电力等行业。 voestalpine Profilform (china) co., Ltd was grand opening on May 2014, which provides high-quality steel and tubes in Suzhou. 2014年5月,位于苏州的新生产基地奥钢联型材(中国)有限公司隆重开业,为中国和国际客户生产高质钢管和型材。 We are looking for a group of talented, highly-motivated, passionate individuals to join us. We will offer competitive compensation, benefits, training opportunities and etc. 期待充满活力、热情,有进取精神和责任心的优秀人才加入我们,公司将提供优厚报酬、良好福利及各种培训发展机会。


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