EMC Design Engineer 2-4k·13薪
深圳-福田区 3-5年 本科
五险一金 绩效奖金 节日礼物 管理规范 弹性工作 国际知名优势 技能培训 年底双薪 定期体检
李女士 5天前在线 已认证
人力资源伙伴(HRBP) · BOSE
You know the moment. It’s the first notes of that song you love, the intro to your favorite movie, or simply the sound of someone you love saying “hello.” It’s in these moments that sound matters most. At Bose, we believe sound is the most powerful force on earth. We’ve dedicated ourselves to improving it for nearly 60 years. And we’re passionate down to our bones about making whatever you’re listening to a little more magical. The engineering team at Bose is a thriving, passionate, deeply skilled team of professionals from a broad range of disciplines and experiences, who share a common goal—to create products that provide transformative sound experiences. ABOUT THE ROLE WE are looking for a motivated individual who is driven by their curiosity and is willing to grow. In this role, the candidate will provide test expertise in the Electro-Magnetic Compliance (EMC) area to various product development group. Activities will include working with a diverse range of product groups including wireless speakers, wireless headsets, and audio for video. This person will work and communicate closely with EMC and design engineers to understand the product's EMC specifications and requirements, including all customer, regulatory, and Bose internal requirements. Work tasks include coordinate and conduct extensive with EMC testing at multiple stages during product development to ensure product compliance with EMC standards. Setup, measure, evaluate and document test results for a wide variety of products during validation testing. Support ongoing EMC accreditation and surveillance audit testing. Provide test reports and communications that help generate corrective actions. Work with EMC and design engineers on troubleshooting efforts that arise. Provide regular status updates to project teams. Continuously look for ways to improve existing test methods and lab processes, as well as devise new test methods and develop written procedures where needed. This is a “hands-on” position that offers a strong opportunity to learn EMC design and theory and will require the person to collaborate with several different engineering teams, from advanced development to product release. Must have the following skills, abilities and experience: o BSEE with >2 years’ experience. o Strong interest in working in the EMC field o EMC compliance testing experience o Excellent verbal and written communication skills are required, both Chinese and English o Strong knowledge of basic electronics o Experience with electronic measurement o Excellent problem-solving abilities o Experience with soldering of electronic components including SMD parts o Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Word applications o Ability to work independently Desirable experience: o Strong understanding of amplifier technology is a plus o Experience with any facet of EMC, RF, or audio design is a plus
所属部门:Bose Operations Center


BOSE公司简介 Bose公司由美国麻省理工学院电子工程教授Amar G. Bose博士创建于1964年,是世界上最早的扬声器生产商之一,也是业内“原音重现技术”的革新者。 Bose总部位于美国麻省,在全球设有8个工厂和19家分公司,拥有员工7,500多名,其中,超过700名科学家及工程师在美国一流的实验室内致力于纯科技的研究,并不断推陈出新,屡获殊荣。今天,Bose公司已发展成为一家从事音响及声学系统研究与制造的大型跨国公司,公司的产品线已涵盖了民用音响、专业音响及汽车音响三大类,同时也涉及到了航天科技、生物医学等领域。 Bose公司以“尽探索之力,享音乐之极”为经营理念,将企业100%的收益都毫无保留地全部投资于企业发展和产品研发。经过40余年不懈的研究与创新,Bose现已诞生400多种创新产品,共获得100多项技术发明专利,并在不同领域屡获殊荣。Bose的产品已经被广泛运用于高端家庭音响、专业场馆音响、航天以及高档汽车音响等领域,同时Bose的品牌也已经深入人心,成为品质的象征。 博士视听系统(上海)有限公司成立于2002年8月,是由Bose 公司在中国独立投资的分公司,其主要职能为大中华区的市场销售及物流分拨中心,以提供更直接的演示及服务,更好地将Bose的产品及技术与Bose大中华区域的消费者一起分享。 更多关于Bose公司的信息,敬请登录公司官网。 上海总部:上海市闵行区顾戴路2337号丰树商业城塔楼D第6层 在Bose公司“相互尊重、热情、追求卓越”的企业氛围中,新成员可以尽情发挥主动性、创造性,我们热忱欢迎您加入,共同迎接Bose这一事业带来的机遇和挑战。


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
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  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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