(Senior) Medical Science Liaison(Oncology) 25-30k
广州-越秀区 3-5年 硕士
绩效奖金 交通补助 通讯津贴 餐费补贴 管理规范 技能培训 弹性工作 带薪年假 节日礼物
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TA Specialist · 葛兰素史克
Role Purpose 职位目标 Through in-field scientific engagement with healthcare providers and external experts, the Medical Science Liaison (MSL) fosters a more educated healthcare environment by: • Communicating their deep knowledge of GSK data in the context of overall patient care to ensure evidence-based understanding of the science behind GSK oncology medicines. • Gathering valuable insights on GSK products and services, and on medical and scientific information to better understand patient needs and evidence gaps. Key Accountabilities/Responsibilities 主要工作职责 • Engage in one-to-one scientific dialogue with external experts around GSK’s medicines, enabling them to confidently discuss our portfolio with patients and the wider medical community and ensuring they are knowledgeable in identifying the right patient for the most appropriate medicines and vaccines. • Develop field medical plan and execute it by high quality. • Act as an expert speaker at scientific events to disseminate information to larger groups of healthcare providers while stimulating clinical dialogue to gain different views and perspectives. • Respond to unsolicited requests for Medical Information from healthcare providers in a fair, factual, balanced, and scientifically rigorous manner via the appropriate and preferred channel. • Act as the interface between the professional healthcare community and the internal GSK medical team and its affiliates to bring in value-added insights that inform GSK Medical, Commercial, and Research & Development activities. • Foster a collaborative working relationship with Medical Representatives and Commercial colleagues. • Partner with matrix colleagues (e.g. sales, marketing, market access, etc.) to ensure strategies and business plans are both patient and business focused, and adding value to the external expert • Disseminate important safety information to healthcare professionals as and when this emerges. • Support GSK study teams with the provision of scientific education and enquiry management from investigators and staff engaged in GSK-supported clinical trials e.g. Investigator-Sponsored Studies (ISS). • Provide scientific education training for business partners such as the Medical Representatives by being the local scientific expert for a medicine / vaccine or group of medicines / vaccines in a therapy area. • Maintain a level of expertise in the evolving scientific / therapeutic area and in competitor medicines and vaccines. • Attend scientific meetings and congresses to keep abreast of the evolving science in a therapy area and to confidently debate and discuss the science with external experts as presented at the meeting. • Fully understand and comply with GSK standards and policies and with local codes of practice, guidelines and laws to ensure the strictest requirements are met. Qualifications/Requirements (Education / Experience / Competencies) 申请资格 / 职位要求 (教育背景 / 工作经验 / 知识与技能) • Minimum Level of Education Global: – Higher degree in life sciences: PhD, MSc or equivalent – Other professional healthcare provision qualification with experience (e.g. nurse practitioner, physician, surgeon, physiotherapist or pharmacist) – A significant (e.g. 3 years) amount of pharmaceutical industry experience in a role successfully engaging in scientific exchange with external experts. China: – Master’s Degree in medicine / pharmacy. – Medical Degree (MD, MBBS, MPharm, PharmD) – Expertise in current or near future GSK therapy area – Strong academic background having participated in, or led research projects and authored publications. • Minimum Level of Job-Related Experience required – >2 years MSL work experience in Oncology, prefer in hematology. – Effective communication skills and ability to tailor information to different audiences appropriately. – Ability to translates complex science into simple messages. – Ability to communicate through multiple channels e.g. webinars. – Solid grounding in clinical, medical and pharmaceutical science with the ability to rapidly assimilate specific and detailed knowledge in these areas. – An understanding of clinical development, and statistical design and analysis. – Effective networking and collaboration skills to achieve business results. – Strong business mindset and ability to balance cross-functional objectives. – A sense of curiosity and a passion for continuous learning and development.


我们的使命与雄心 葛兰素史克(GSK)是一家以“汇聚科学、技术与人才,合力超越,共克疾病”为使命的全球生物医药公司。 我们致力于在未来十年为25亿人的健康带来积极影响。我们对增长和跨越式绩效的新承诺,展现了我们对患者的远大抱负。同时我们也是一家能够助力杰出人才蓬勃发展、人尽其才的公司。 在中国,我们始终致力于帮助改善中国人民的健康、生活和未来。 我们在中国的分布  业务覆盖中国250多个城市和地区  5个区域中心:北京、上海、成都、广州、杭州  1个位于上海的全国商业营运中心  1所位于上海的研发中心  1所位于北京的传染病和公共卫生研究所 我们在中国的业务  疫苗:我们致力于提高疫苗对中国患者和消费者的可及性。我们的儿童及成人疫苗可预防多种疾病:带状疱疹疫苗、宫颈癌疫苗,以及包括成人及儿童两种剂型的乙肝病毒疫苗。  处方药:我们的处方药业务拥有丰富的创新和成熟的产品组合。在中国,我们目前专注于以下疾病领域:呼吸系统、肝炎、神经系统疾病、HIV/艾滋病,以及包括系统性红斑狼疮在内的免疫系统疾病和包括肺动脉高压、嗜酸性肉芽肿性多血管炎(EGPA) 在内的罕见病。


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