快递业务高级经理 30-50k·13薪
上海-闵行区 8年以上 大专
五险一金 带薪年假 节日礼物 定期体检 免费班车 公司规模大 管理规范 岗位晋升 年终奖金 年底双薪
邹女士 6天前在线 已认证
工作职责Job Description: 1. 熟悉市场趋势,掌握国内快递市场的发展状况,根据客户需求制定相应的快递产品策略及相应配送方案。 Familiarize with market trends, understand domestic express delivery market, and formulate appropriate express product strategies and corresponding distribution solutions according to customer needs. 2. 梳理现有各类快递产品与解决方案,并为公司业务拓展提供专业的国内快递方案,包括但不限于报价,方案,项目实践等。 Combing the existing various types of express delivery products and solutions, and for the company's business development to provide professional domestic express solutions, including but not limited to quotations, programs, practices. 3. 日常运营管理:管理运营成本、时效及服务质量,通过数据分析及时发现并反馈配送段的运营问题,有针对性地提出解决方案,并推动服务商改善提升。 Daily operation management: manage operation cost, timeliness and service quality, find and feedback timely operation problems during delivery process through data analysis, put forward effective solution, and promote the improvement of service providers. 4. 负责与快递公司的沟通、协调、管理工作,与快递公司建立稳固的合作关系。 Responsible for communication,coordination and management with courier companies to establish a solid cooperation relationship. 5. 管理快递管理系统(CMS),提升配送管理能力。 Manage Courier Management System (CMS) to enhance distribution management capabilities 6. 完成上级领导安排的其他工作。 Complete other tasks assigned by the manger. 任职要求Qualifications: 1. 8年以上国内运输或第三方物流领域工作经验,其中至少5年以上岗位团队管理经验;熟悉快递产品、快递管理系统;熟悉各类国内快递公司和市场资源。 More than 8 years of experience in domestic transportation or third-party logistics, including at least 5 years of experience in team management; familiar with courier products, courier management system; familiar with all kinds of domestic courier companies and market resources. 2. 较强的工作责任心和团队意识,能够承受高强度的工作压力。 Be highly responsible & team spirited, could work under pressure. 3. 较强的团队领导力,沟通能力,执行力。 Strong team leadership, communication skills, and implementation skills. 4. 拥有云仓项目运营管理的相关经验,有快递/物流行业经验及相关解决方案设计、运营能力者优先 Relevant experience in E-com warehouse project operation and management, experience in express/logistics industry and relevant solution design and operations capability is preferred. 5. 大专以上学历,良好的英语能力,良好的报表报告等书面表达技能 College degree or above, good English language skills, good written expression skills such as report.


Maersk Omnichannel-Fulfilment (OCF) is part of A.P. Moller – Maersk, an integrated container logistics company working to connect and simplify its customers’ supply chains. As the logistics partner of choice for major local and multinational companies, Maersk OCF offers a suite of integrated logistics and supply chain management services in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Food & Beverage, Footwear & Apparel and Retail sectors. Through its comprehensive distribution network in Asia, Maersk OCF collaborates closely with over 400 brand owners and retailers to provide tailor-made warehousing and transport management solutions. Maersk OCF connects origins and destinations with flexibility, timeliness and responsiveness. Today, with the increasing importance of e-commerce and cross border trades, Maersk OCF provides a total omnichannel-fulfilment solution and operates major regional hubs and consolidation centers to optimize inventory flow and ensure quick response. We are committed to put our customers' needs first. Global Markets are evolving fast, and we aim to connect, protect, and simplify our customers’ supply chain in response to these changes. We are on an exciting journey to transform the flow of goods, data and materials that sustain people, businesses and economies the world over – driving our vision as a true global integrator.


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
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