数学助教岗位 7-8k
苏州 经验不限 统招本科
五险一金 年终奖金 子女福利 节日礼物 定期体检 餐费补贴 领导好 发展空间大 公司规模大 管理规范
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Job Responsibilities: • Assisting identified students within lessons on the instruction of the teacher on a set timetable. • Peer observing/showing staff in the department for their own professional development. • Involved in the professional learning of the department and attending all departmental meetings. • Providing cover support as required when staff are absent, achieving the learning outcomes in full. • Supporting leaders and teachers in the department with preparations for teaching, learning and assessments. • Supporting in administrative work of the department that helps to achieve departmental targets. • As required, supporting Secondary Leadership in administrative or supervision work e.g. examination or supervision. • TA must be able to use English as the language of instruction. Qualifications/Experience/Knowledge: · Bachelor degree or above with overseas study experiences preferred(major in Maths subject) · Teaching license is a must · Practical knowledge of equipment, including IT equipment where appropriate, to support learning in a variety of lessons and learning environments either on a one-to-one basis or small groups, under the direction and supervision of the teacher · Ability to communicate clearly with students and others · Ability to explain straightforward tasks and activities to students under the direction of the teacher. · Ability to make straightforward decisions on when to refer queries/problems to another member of staff · Ability to manage students’ behaviour on the bus journey and deal with emergency and other unforeseen situation.


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