销售经理 Sales Manager 薪资面议
苏州 8年以上 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 定期体检 年底双薪 管理规范 技能培训 弹性工作 扁平管理 工会福利
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Responsibilities: -Lead Manz Gate 1-3 process. -Customers’ acquisition for order intake. -Customer negotiations for commercial terms and quotation offering. -Provide rolling sales forecast. -Market intelligence & new business development. -Customer relationship management. -Proper hand-over to PM and support PM in project execution to meet Project KPI -Collect/Review cost from different departments to make factsheet/quotation. -Check with PM for production plan to meet customer delivery time. -Support for OPL solved to manage customer complaint with different departments. -Support for AR received and SAT accomplishmen.t -Support OEM/ODM vendor development. Qualification: -Bachelor's degree or above, not limited to engineering but technical background with business management is better. -At least 8 years of sales experience specially for equipment sales. -Good communication skill internal and external -Quick learner for new technology and market trend -Have strong technical/product knowledge to convince customer. -Develop account penetration plan to win the order. -Be passion and aggressive for continuously sales growth. -Build up customer relationship in a short time. -Customer relationship management. -Good attitude to overcome the challenge.


About MANZ Group Founded in 1987, Manz AG is a global high-tech equipment manufacturing company. Its business activities focus on the Solar, Electronics, Energy Storage, Contract Manufacturing, and Service segments. With many years of expertise in automation, laser processing, vision and metrology, wet chemistry, and roll-to-roll processes, the company offers manufacturers and their suppliers innovative production solutions in the areas of photovoltaics, electronics and lithium-ion battery technology. The company's product portfolio includes both customer-specific developments and standardized machines and modules that can be linked together to form individual system solutions. The company, listed on the stock exchange in Germany since 2006, currently develops and manufactures in Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, China Mainland and Taiwan. It also has sales and service branches in the USA and India. Worldwide, Manz AG currently employs around 1,400 people, about half of them in Asia. This region is critical for the company's target industries. Manz Group revenue in the 2020 financial year totaled around 237 million euros. MANZ 集团 Manz AG成立于1987年,总部位于德国罗伊特林根城,是全球高科技设备制造者,业务范围专注于太阳能、电子装置及零部件、储能、代工及客户服务。凭借多年在自动化、激光工艺、视觉与测量、湿化学及卷对卷技术的专业知识,Manz集团在太阳能、电子装置及零部件、锂电池技术领域提供创新的生产设备解决方案。我们不仅按需求提供定制化的生产设备同时也提供标准的单机设备和模块化的工作站,可以与客户端设备无缝衔接形成独立的生产系统。Manz集团于2006年在德国公开上市,在德国、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、意大利、中国大陆及中国台湾地区设有自已的生产基地,在美国、韩国设有业务销售及服务网络。Manz集团在全球约有1400名员工,其中一半以上员工来自亚洲这个集团内目标市场的重要区域。Manz集团在2020年财年总营收达到2.37亿欧元。 亚智系统科技(苏州)有限公司为Manz全资子公司,一期投资1600万美金,并于2012年新购置了100亩土地及开建自有厂房,新工厂按照欧洲标准设计及施工,工作环境优越,20,000平方米的生产基地包括洁净室和技术培训中心。一线生产厂区空调全方位覆盖,运动设施配套齐全。随着公司规模及业务类型的急剧扩张,我们广揽贤才,并着力打造一支高技术高素质的本土团队以适应集团对亚洲制造战略中心的转移。 我们欢迎各地英才的加盟,与亚智一起发展和进步。亚智将为员工提供更好的职业前景和更优良的培训机会,我们在此诚邀您的加盟。如欲了解更多信息,请访问公司官网 Manz将为你提供: 具有竞争力的薪资及完善的福利机制 系统化的培训项目及海外培训的机会,学习先进自动化设备技术 丰富多彩的员工活动(员工生日会,团建,年会,社团活动,节日活动等) 干净整洁的工作环境 公司地址:苏州高新区嘉陵江路405号 公交路线:443/441/445到殷家浜站台下车 自驾路线:北环高架往西-太湖大道-嘉陵江路往北


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
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  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
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  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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