DQE 15-20k·14薪
东莞-长安镇 5-10年 大专
五险一金 带薪年假 年终奖金
邹先生 当前在线 已认证
Key areas of accountability: 1 Lead the quality assurance job for product creation process: from request for quotation, concept start, design release to commercial release 2 Interface for quality contract and quality requirements’ alignment with customer, be responsible to cascade above to the internal organization. 3 Develop and implement the quality assurance plan for the new product projects, including validation plans/reports, PPAPs etc. 4 Take part in design review, DFMEA, PFMEA review with productive/effective outputs, strongly lead the management of product's special characteristics for the new product 5 Lead failure analysis activities in new product development phase from validation setting up and quality point of view 6 Ensure the quality targets could be met at the milestone of commercial release, and obtain customer approval for the start production of the new products. 7 Drive continuous improvements productively/effectively from quality point of view in product development phase from procedure/process point of view with innovations or lessons learned in previous projects. 8 Support the qualification of the industrial projects like production transfer, introductions of new production lines etc. Qualification: 1 Academic/Professional Qualification: Bachelor degree 2 Working Experience: Min 5 years’ experience, preferably in automotive area. Other electronic products can be considered. Acoustic experiences an advantage. 3 Expertise/Skills: Familiar with quality management system requirements like ISO/TS16949, strong in quality mind-set, professional in quality tools. Good analytical skill (statistical skill) and process audit skill 4 Language skills: Good command of English (both spoken and written) / Mandarin. 5 Personal Attributes: Honest, aggressive, assertive, good in follow up. Able to work independently under pressure. Detail and hardworking, self-control


普瑞姆扬声器是****企业的**创新合作伙伴,专注于提供汽车和消 费电子的声学解决方案,是世界上**的音响公司。作为普瑞姆扬声器旗下一 家专业生产扬声器系统的喇叭事业部,东莞成谦音响科技有限公司(即“普瑞 姆东莞”)座落于交通便利的全国十强名镇之一东莞市长安镇,本着以人为本、 团队协作的精神,普瑞姆东莞以其稳健发展的业务、有竞争力的薪酬、完善的 福利、人性化的管理体系,连续多年被政府评为长安明星企业代表,并多次获 得“员工满意企业”殊荣。 公司推崇人性化管理﹐工时﹑薪资﹑假期﹑规章制度等严格按《劳动法》要求执行。 薪资福利待遇﹕ 1. 年度调薪。 2. 第十三个月工资。 3. 年终绩效奖金。 4. 有完善的培训系统﹐提供公平的晋升机会﹐鼓励职工成长。 5. 公司设有培训室、阅览室、篮球场、羽毛球场﹑乒乓球﹑桌球等公共设施﹐以供员工学习和休闲娱乐之用。 6. 定期组织开展各项文娱活动﹔年终举办福利抽奖活动。 公司网址:************************************* 公司地址:东莞市长安镇沙头振安中路683号


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