视觉陈列设计主管 20-25k
北京-西城区 5-10年 大专
五险一金 年终奖金 绩效奖金 全勤奖 带薪年假 子女福利 节日礼物 优秀员工奖 定期体检 加班补贴
朱女士 一周前在线 已认证
Job Purpose工作目的: “To work closely with the visual team in the stores to implement agreed merchandise changes for in-store and windows in order to create a feeling of excitement and newness for the customer.” “与店铺视觉效果团队紧密合作,共同对店内和橱窗进行约定的商品展示变更,为顾客创造兴奋感和新奇感” Key Accountabilities主要职责: In addition to following Lane Crawford’s policies and procedures, key accountabilities include, but are not limited to: 除遵守连卡佛的政策和程序外,主要职责包括但不限于: Implementation执行力  To work with the Senior Visual Merchandising Manager and Assistant Visual Merchandising Manager to ensure plans for all visual presentation and display in stores are fully understood before implementation. 与资深视觉陈列经理和视觉陈列副经理合作,确保首先完全理解店铺内所有视觉展示和陈列效果计划,之后再执行计划  To assist the Senior Visual Merchandising Manager with the planning and implementation of remerchandising collections, re-dressing and styling programs for room sets, instore highlights, floor presentation and product placement and to ensure that the visual team are consistent in providing exceptional presentations for all departments. 协助资深视觉陈列经理,针对室内设计、店内亮点、地板展示和产品布放位置,规划、执行商品组合变更、重新装饰、造型方案,确保视觉效果团队持续地为所有部门提供优异的展示效果  To work closely with the Assistant Visual Merchandising Manager on establishing and implementing the correct merchandise presentation for each department  To work close with Senior Visual Merchandising Manager and China outlet manager to setup monthly plan and manage the China outlets display. Ensure the display up to company standard. 与资深视觉陈列经理和中国奥莱经理紧密合作,制定每月陈列计划,并安排每月陈列更新,确保奥莱店铺达到公司要求陈列标准  Accept frequent travel domestically. Setup monthly travel plan for outlet store visit. 能接受国内频繁差旅。制定每月巡店计划。  Outlet visual tools and VM fixture management Outlet店铺陈列道具和陈列用家具管理  Work efficiently according to the company’s VM direction. Willing to work under pressure. 根据公司业务需要和VM部门陈列方针弹性安排工作。能接受于高压环境下工作。  Proficient in Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint. Acknowledge of design software such as Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, In-design will be advantageous. 能熟练使用Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint。能够使用设计软件,如Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, In-design等,将会重点考虑。 Communication沟通力  To communicate on a regular basis with the Senior Visual Merchandising Manager on all visual actions and requests from store operations 针对店铺运营的所有视效措施和视效要求,定期与资深视觉陈列经理进行沟通  To work in all stores and with SNO, seeking feedback on current initiatives and VM activities and feedback to the appropriate people 在所有店铺内与SNO合作,征求对当前举措和VM活动的反馈,并对适当人员提供反馈  To assist with visual support on all store and office events and promotions as requested 协助视觉效果支持人员,根据需要对所有店铺和办公室事务及促销活动提供支持  To communicate regularly with the Senior Visual Merchandising Manager/Visual Merchandising Supervisor on all visual projects proactively highlighting any issues and concerns 针对所有视觉效果项目定期与资深视觉陈列经理/视觉陈列主管进行沟通,主动提出所有问题和关切事项  To use customer and staff feedback to develop strategic VM activities and identify new needs and services with the customer in mind 利用顾客和员工反馈开展战略性VM活动,心怀顾客,确定新的需求和服务  To communicate regularly with the production team on all visual projects proactively highlighting any issues and concerns 针对所有视觉效果项目,定期与生产团队进行沟通,主动提出所有问题和关切事项


连卡佛是一家著名精品百货公司,致力于将精选的全球产品与充满活力的亚洲文化精粹相结合。我们是品味与风格的探索者,我们的买手团队在世界各地不断发掘品牌,甄选别致而多样化的时尚、美妆、高级珠宝和家居生活风尚产品,通过不拘一格的策划展示与时尚视角,启发顾客以崭新的方式感受美好生活。连卡佛于1850 年在香港创立,在多个地区表现优异,并自豪地跻身世界上历史悠久的奢侈品百货公司之列。如今,我们在中国香港特别行政区设有四家门店,在上海、北京和成都各设有一家门店,并运营线上精品店、微信小程序商城及小红书商城。每间门店都是充满想象和可能性的空间,由我们员工的创造力、热情和专业知识赋予生机。承袭先驱者的创新精神,我们不断探索,崭新定义每个时代的奢华内涵,并创造及甄选其体验方式。我们对工作充满热爱,诚邀您加入我们的行列。


1. 如您发现平台内招聘方存在以下违规行为的,请立即举报
  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 工作时长违反劳动法规定;
  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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