采购工程师 8-12k
嘉兴-南湖区 5-10年 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 子女福利 节日礼物 定期体检 通讯津贴 交通补助 弹性工作 扁平管理
程女士 1天前在线 已认证
Job Responsibilities 岗位职责: 1.Be responsible for the daily procurement activities of direct material, be familiar with the metal sheet processing, plastic injection processing, mechanical processing, PCBA, fan, coating, fixture, tooling. Very familiar with SAP. He/She Has ability of purchasing management , ability to sourcing new supplier including supplier management and purchasing department management. 负责CENJX 直接物料的日常采购活动,熟悉钣金加工,注塑,机械加工,PCB,风机,喷涂,治具,模具等的物料的采购。对SAP 非常熟悉。具有一定的采购管理能力,新供应商开发能力,包含供应商管理 和 采购部门管理能力。 2. Sourcing and develop new supplier and find the backup supplier, Ensure the delivery date of direct materials for mass production and new project . avoiding the supply risk, Actively deal with and solve the suppliers’ problems, Such as delivery issues, quality issues, price issues, and service issues. At the same time Participate in purchasing production line and molds. 开发新供应商,和开发备选供应商,保证正常量产机种和新项目机种的直接物料的交期,和避免供应风险,积极处理并解决供应商的问题的,诸如交期、质量、价格,以及服务问题。同时需要参与生产线和模具的采购。 3.Have ability to analyze supplier‘s quotation, compare the prices of 2 or 3 suppliers, actively reduce cost to achieve the cost down target of company. and have the ability to complete the sourcing activities according to the process which is required by company. Especially for the localization of imported parts. Improve the suppliers’ performance through regular evaluation of existing supplier, and phase out the unqualified supplier. 有能力分析供应商的报价,并进行二家,三家价格比较,积极为公司降低成本达到公司降价目标,有能力按照公司要求的流程完成供应商开发活动, 尤其是进口物料的国产化的供应商开发。通过对现有的供应商进行定期考核,提高供应商的绩效。淘汰不合格供应商。 4. Have the ability to negotiate with suppliers. including being able to negotiate prices and contract conditions. 有和供应商谈判的能力,包括能独挡一面和交涉价格,谈合同条件。 5.Purchasing document management including the order, quotation, Potential Supplier Assessment, contract, engineering change, price change list, drawings ,etc. 采购资料的管理,订单,报价单,新供应商考核表,合同的整理和归档,设计变更处理,供应商签字图纸的管理,价格变更,及变更台账管理。 6. Be familiar to use related function of SAP, and correctly maintain the data and parameter in SAP, have the ability to negotiate with supplier about the MOQ, L/T, to reduce the material inventory. At the project stage, complete the SPQ,MOQ, L/T, packaging concept, to handover to material planer without any issues. 熟悉SAP的相关功能, 正确维护SAP数据和各种参数,有和供应商交涉 MOQ,交期,降低原材料库存的能力. 在项目阶段,完成物料的SPQ,MOQ,缩短L/T, 包装方式等,顺利交接给量产部门。 7.Every month and quarter, collect the market situation of the copper, aluminum, steel and make a trend chart to submit to purchase manager, and negotiate with supplier based on this trend, predict accurately and reduce cost for company. 每月,每个季度,收集产品所用到的铜,铝,铁等市场行情,做出趋势图,并提交采购经理。和供应商就市况的涨跌和供应商进行谈判。掌握原材料的变化趋势,精准预测,为公司降低成本。 8. Timely check the “Fa piao” with suppliers, and apply to finance department with related document for payment. 及时与供应商的对账,和相关的资料,向财务部门申请付款。 9.Have excellent teamwork ability, communication ability. Can work under pressure, integrity, diligence, positive attitude. 有优秀的团队合作能力和沟通能力,能抗压,态度积极,诚实,勤奋。 10. Support all the other sister companies within the group to sourcing supplier in China, and evaluate and help negotiate price , help sign the contract. 支援集团兄弟公司在中国的供应商souring 和考核,协助价格谈判,协助合同签订和出货等事情。 11.Follow the process of the company, result oriented, Conduct the instruction from direct leader. 按照公司流程完成各项采购工作。以结果为导向,认真贯彻直接上级领导的指示包括口头、微信、书面的指示,完成工作。 12.Be responsible for the EHS work of the post, or cooperate with EHS to do the EHS work of the department well. 负责本岗位EHS工作或配合EHS做好本部门EHS工作。 Requirements and Qualifications 岗位要求: 1.Be healthy and respect the work, responsible, goal- oriented, the attitude is positive motivated and modest. Act following the instruction of leader , work carefully and feedback in time. 身体健康,敬岗爱业。有责任心,目标导向,工作态度积极主动,态度谦虚。听从上级指示,做事细严谨,及时反馈。 2.Be able to work under the pressure, have good written and oral communication skills in English. 能抗压,有良好的英语书面和口头交流能力。 3.Good communication skills, and negotiation skills with suppliers, have the purchasing experience of direct raw material related to the factory, know the knowledge of material purchased by his / herself. 具有较高的和供应商沟通能力,谈判技巧。有工厂相关直接原材料的采购经验 了解自己采购的物料的知识。 4. Obey overtime managements, complete his/ her own work consciously and actively. 服从加班安排。自觉主动地完成本职工作。 5. Relevant experience in factory is preferred. 有工厂相关工作经验者优先。 6.Relevant experience in foreign enterprises is preferred. 外企相关经验者优先。


1. 如您发现平台内招聘方存在以下违规行为的,请立即举报
  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 工作时长违反劳动法规定;
  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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