美容顾问督导(青岛) 7-9k·13薪
青岛-市北区 1-3年 大专
年终奖金 五险一金 发展空间大 技能培训 岗位晋升 带薪年假 节日礼物 定期体检
陈女士 17小时前在线 已认证
人力资源经理 · 屈臣氏中国
Job Responsibilities: 工作职责 In-class training课堂培训 l To implement and develop the training according the yearly training plan,including new staff training, new launch ,re-promote training, selling skills training., etc 根据年度培训计划,执行和开发各类培训课程,如:新员工培训、各类新产品培训、销售技巧培训课程等 l To provide TTT training to BAS for basic orientation, product training,field coaching or related courses to ensure the execution meets brand standard. 培训和指导BAS有关美容顾问入职培训、产品培训、店内辅导等课程的授课技巧,以确保按照品牌标准执行培训项目 l Aligned with sales team to evaluated and search for the regional training needs and opportunities. Develop the relative training materials in the guide of training manager. 了解和发现培训需求,与销售团队达成共识,并在培训经理指引下开发相关课程及项目 l Communicate with sales management team on the quality of classroom participants - highlight individual areas of opportunity and agree action plans and follow-up. 与区域销售管理团队密切沟通,针对美容顾问的能力及表现及时反馈并制定共同的跟进计划 Field Coaching 店内培训及辅导 l Lead by example via counter coaching to provide on-going training (customer service, selling skills/product knowledge, and personal grooming), to meet requirements set up by brand. 通过店内培训,为美容顾问提供有关顾客服务、销售技巧、产品知识及个人形象方面的持续跟进和培训,确保达到品牌标准和要求 l Attend sales meeting and work closely with sales management team to explore solutions to common business issues, provide feedback from training and look for opportunities to further drive results (retail sales, service levels, customer satisfaction, and other KPI's). 根据需求参加现场销售团队会议,及时沟通培训反馈,找到提升业绩、服务水平、顾客满意度的机会点并制定行动方案 l Review on a monthly basis BA’s Productivity, customer retention, new customer recruit. Enhance performance and address concerns via in-store coaching. 每月定期回顾美容顾问的情况,通过店内培训进行指导和跟进。 Administration 行政: l Provide continuous training, coaching and regular feedback to field, guide and develop BA capacity and efficiency. 定期提供培训反馈,帮助共同提升美容顾问表现及能力; l Present monthly regional work schedule including store visits, training activities, event support to training manager. 制定每月工作计划和行程,合理有效的安排各类课堂培训、门店培训及活动支持等 l Maintain regional training room in readiness for training, ensuring brand standards, culture are reflected appropriately. 按照品牌要求和标准准备培训教室、布置、教具等资源; Qualifications: 要求 1.Age between 25-35. Associate diploma or above, more than 2 years experience in retail training or field sales management 25-35岁,大专以上学历,2年以上零售培训或销售管理经验 2.Well-groomed and confident. Always present in a manner that reflects the standards of brand. 形象良好,自信心强。符合公司品牌形象。 3.Passion for teaching and for helping others to learn and improve their job performance. 对培训工作有热情,乐于帮助和教授他人 4.Excellent coach, leadership and communication skill. 具有良好的教授、引导和沟通能力 5.Responsibly, confidence, good customer service sense and communication ability 具有强烈的责任感,自信,有客户服务意识,良好的沟通协调能力。 6.Innovation, and good player 勇于创新,具有良好的团队合作精神; 7.Have good command of English both oral and written, Good PC skill (POWENPOINT) 英语良好,熟练的电脑操作技能 8.Available to travel.(essential) 能适应出差工作安排


Watsons is part of A.S. Watson Group, the world’s ********international health and beauty retailer operating over 16,000 stores under 12 retail brands in 28 markets, with over 130,000 employees worldwide. For the fiscal year 2022, A.S. Watson Group recorded revenue of US$22 billion. Every year, we are serving over 5.5 billion shoppers via our O+O (Offline plus Online) technology-enabled platforms. Watsons is part of A.S. Watson Group, the Asia’s ********health and beauty retailer, currently operating over 8,000 stores and more than 1,500 pharmacies in 15 Asian and European markets. Watsons continually sets the standards in the health, wellness and beauty market, providing customers with personalised advice and counseling on top of its wide product range, making customers LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT every day. Watsons operates nearly 4,000 stores in over 500 cities in the Chinese mainland, with over 60 million paid members, making Watsons a well-known O+O (Offline and Online) health & beauty retailer. Watsons has built its success and reputation on quality and innovation, offering enjoyable shopping environment and great value-for-money to its customers, winning the trust of the consumers. 关于屈臣氏 屈臣氏为屈臣氏集团旗下零售品牌,业务遍布15个亚洲及欧洲市场,经营超过8,000家店铺,其中超过1,500家提供专业药房服务。屈臣氏一直致力于通过为顾客提供个性化的咨询与建议,配以傲视同侪的多元化产品种类,令顾客每天都能LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT。 屈臣氏在中国内地逾500个城市拥有近4,000家店铺和逾6,000万名付费会员,是大众所熟知的线下及线上(O+O)保健及美妆产品零售商。屈臣氏在质量与创新方面建立了相当声誉,为顾客奉上令人惊喜不断和物超所值的购物环境,从而赢得顾客高度信赖。 关于屈臣氏集团 屈臣氏集团为全球知名的国际保健美容零售商,在28个市场经营12个品牌逾16,000家商店,并在全球聘用超过13万员工。集团2022年财政年度的营业额达220亿美元,每年通过O+O平台服务超过55亿名顾客,为他们提供科技化的线下及线上购物体验。 屈臣氏集团是跨国综合企业长江和记实业有限公司的成员。长江和记业务遍及50个国家及地区,经营港口及相关服务、零售、基建以及电讯四项核心业务。


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