试制车间技师 7-8k
上海-嘉定区 3-5年 学历不限
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陈女士 1天前在线 已认证
人事专员 · 巴施帝
Objectives of the Job/位描述: 1. Responsible to realize complex engineering activities with independence and full technical responsibility with the request of the Lead mechanic or project responsible. 在首席机械师或项目负责人的要求下,独立完成复杂的工程活动,并承担全部技术责任 2. Responsible of task deliverable schedule and quality. Follow up all the activities done by the assigned engineers and/or lead mechanic. If necessary, put on place correction actions to assure deliverable quality on the agreed schedule. 保证任务交付进度和质量,跟踪指定工程师或首席机械师完成的所有活动。如有必要,实施纠正措施,以确保交付物的质量满足既定计划。 3. Support workshop activities to build up prototypes at complete vehicle, systems or subsystem level. Testing support including root cause analysis and develop countermeasures to achieve quality and functionality expectations from lead mechanic or project leader. 支持在整车、系统或子系统层面的样车试制相关车间活动。测试支持,包括根本原因分析和提出相关 对策以满足首席机械师或项目负责人对质量和功能的要求。 Main Duties: - Per requirements of Lead Mechanic, execute work required as follows: - 根据首席机械师的要求,执行以下工作: o Vehicle preparation for different events required (i.e. Clinique events, testing instrumentation, benchmark, etc.) 为所需的不同事件(故障诊断、测试设备、对标等)进行车辆准备 o Vehicle and test fleet support/车辆和测试车队支持: o Troubleshooting and root cause analysis/故障排除和根本原因分析 o Vehicle repair/车间维修 o Service and maintenance/服务和保养 o Vehicle retrofit/车辆改装 o Mechanical support for build-up of test benches/为建造试验台架提供机械支持 o Participate on test drive events as required by customer/根据客户要求参加试驾活动 o Basic electrical experience (Elektrofachkraft für festgelegte T01tigkeiten) 基本的电气经验(电气能力) - Mule car test and spare part list development and management 骡车测试,完善及管理零件清单 - Prototype/Production try-out car specification definition assistance 协助样车/量产车试制规范定义 - Prototype/Prototype try-out test and spare part list development and management 样车/量产车试制测试,完善及管理零件清单 - Organize PTFA for prototype cars/组织样车PTFA活动 - Camouflage plan and execute for mule/prototype/production try-out cars 计划并执行骡车、样车、量产车的伪装工作 - Test Toolkit (fire extinguisher, emergency stop button, roll cage etc) plan and execute. 计划并实施测试工具包(灭火器,紧急停止按钮,防滚架等)的安装 - Vehicle/Partial build management/车辆/零件制造管理 - Organize vehicle upgrade for different FRS level (flash calibrations) 组织不同FRS级别的车辆更新(快速标定) - This job will communicate a lot with most of module groups, need very good English and communication skills. 此职位需要与大部分模块团队进行大量沟通交流,需要具有良好的英语水平和沟通技巧。 2. Project assistance/项目协助 - Following and support the vehicle build up/跟踪并支持车辆制造 - Support Lead mechanic, project leader and vehicle/prototype owner 支持首席机械师、项目负责人以及车辆所属用户 - On time deliver the build/test parts needs to purchasing and logistics 按时向采购和物流提交制造及测试零件需求 - Handle and organize the job with small team taken complete technical responsibility of the teamwork. 由承担团队全部技术责任的小型团队来处理和组织工作。 - Assure that assigned work package use defined work directives and guidelines 确保分配的工作包使用已定义的工作指令和准则 - Provide information to the group Leader or lead engineer on status of the assigned task 向团队负责人或首席工程师提供所分配任务的状态信息 - Help Group leader with economical and customer relation project activities. 帮助团队负责人开展有关经济性和客户关系的项目活动 Qualification/任职资格: 61 Experience: Strong automobile company work background, More than 3 years’ experience at automobile company. Familiar with electric vehicles, systems and components. 工作经验:具有较强的汽车公司工作背景,三年以上汽车公司工作经验, 熟悉电动汽车、系统和组件。 61 Experienced on vehicle test, test vehicle management, prototype build up. 具有车辆试验、车辆试验管理、样车试制相关经验。 61 Language: Basic English level both on oral and write. 语言:口语和写作的基本英语水平。 61 Personality: Good communicate skill, Self-motivated; team player; leading, driving and target focused personality. 性格:良好的沟通能力,有上进心,具有团队精神,领导能力,能开车,有专注力。


Founded in 1992 in France, BASSETTI is an international group based in Asia, Europe and North America specialized in Technical Expertise Management® for R&D and Manufacturing departments. In 2008 BASSETTI China started in Shanghai, which gave way to the company’s entrance into the Asia Pacific technical markets. For the past 10 years, BASSETTI China has been working with many key actors of Automotive, Transportation and Health Care Industry. Prestigious clients, such as Valeo, PSA, 3M, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Airbus, NIO and many more, are trusting BASSETTI China through 3 main services:TEEXMA, Engneering Service and R&D subsidies.


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