Senior Manager, Business Development-沃尔玛跨境电商招商 薪资面议
上海-闵行区 8年以上 统招本科
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 团队聚餐 节日礼物 定期体检 年底双薪 通讯津贴 发展空间大 公司规模大
郭女士 一周前在线 已认证
Sr.Recruiter, HR · Walmart Global Sourcing
Responsibility: We're looking for a smart and ambitious BD (Sr.) Manager to join our China team, focusing on expanding different categories business under cross border trade to Walmart U.S. Marketplace The objective of this role is to identify and recruit quality cross-border sellers, Walmart vendors and manufactories. You will be responsible to help them to onboard Walmart US marketplace promptly, to provide necessary business guidance and to remove potential barriers for them. You are required to lead and manage the Electronics, Toys and Seasonal business development teams to establish & maintain positive relationship with various 3rd-party service providers, local associations, manufacturer sectors & governmental partners for in-depth product category resource collection and maintain highest professional standard. You are anticipated to lead initiatives/projects with cross functional teams to improve both internal teams' efficiencies and external customer and seller experiences, such as seller quality, seller onboarding, etc. Basic Requirement: - 8 ~ 10 years of relevant experience in e-commerce - 3 ~ 5 years of experience in team management. - B2C business development experience recruiting and managing numbers of customers. - Strong written and verbal communication skills. - Ability to work with strategic sellers and famous brands - Ability to prioritize work in a complex, fast-paced environment and work with cross functional teams. - Ability to initiate, lead and manage projects outside of primary responsibility - Advanced MS office skills (Power Point, Excel, Word, Outlook) - In English and local language Preferred Qualifications: - B2B/B2C experience with manufacturers and suppliers and in-depth knowledge of China's manufacture status is a plus. - Strong willingness to learn new things preferred. - Strong ability to work independently and think critically and logically. - Experience with e-commerce or retail would be an advantage. - Experience influencing and organizing others, whether in a direct management capacity or through experience managing projects. - Strong ability of data mining and analysis WMGS doesn’t charge any recruitment or similar fee in the recruitment process including but not limited to interview, offering and onboarding.


沃盛咨询(深圳)有限公司成立于2001年12月03日,主要经营范围为在保税区内从事国际贸易、转口贸易、区内贸易、通过国内有进出口经营权的企业代理与非保税区企业从事贸易业务等。 In 2001 Walmart established Global Sourcing Division, a corporate entity that supports all Walmart segments. With many sourcing offices located around the world, our division continues to develop and maintain a fully integrated supply chain that delivers merchandise to our retail locations across the globe. Global Sourcing is a customer-centric sourcing platform that connects clients with global products & solutions at the best value. We help power Walmart's ecosystem by making sourcing easier.


1. 如您发现平台内招聘方存在以下违规行为的,请立即举报
  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 工作时长违反劳动法规定;
  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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