冷却系统设计工程师 12-17k·13薪
无锡-新吴区 3-5年 本科
范女士 当前在线 已认证
招聘经理 · 卡特彼勒
Responsible for engine cooling and electric power cooling system design activity to meet product engineering target & customer requirement Conduct DFMEA, DVP & R (design verification plan & report), execute DVP on time as project plan Assure APQP process completely followed up for component design & development Support engineering solutions to fix quality issues, e.g. myNPI, production quality, ADQ and CPI issues Support engineering solutions for component cost reduction and re-sourcing As system/component design engineer, advise and answer engineering questions which come from cross function team and customers, high frequently collaborate with SDE, Buyer, Application Engineer, Product Team and Sales & Marketing. Execute supplier strategy to assure supplier technology and quality readiness. Background / Experience Required: Bachelor’s degree with 4-8 years engineering experience or Master’s degree with 2-6 years engineering experience in Thermal/Engine/Automobile/Mechanical Engineering Demonstrated proficiency in Creo and/or other model and drawing design assistance system Good at multitasking optimizing and deliver desired result under challenging requirement of quality, cost & timeline. Good English oral and written communication skills Good team collaboration High customer focusing & high urgency sense to customer requirement Desired Experience: Strong creativity and execution Engine or Cooling product design & manufacturing background Structure and performance analysis experience Software development experience Strong sense of continuous innovation and data sensitivity


卡特彼勒是世界上**的土方工程机械、建筑机械和矿用设备的生产商,也是全世界柴油机、天然气发动机、工业用燃气轮机以及柴电混合动力机组的主要供应商。 为了加大投资力度和发展业务,卡特彼勒(中国)投资有限公司于 1996 年在北京成立。今天,卡特彼勒在中国投资建立了29家生产工厂,制造液压挖掘机、压实机、柴油发动机、履带行走装置、铸件、动力平地机、履带式推土机、轮式装载机、再制造的工程机械零部件以及电力发电机组。 卡特彼勒(中国)投资有限公司已在中国建立了办事处,培训和产品服务中心,为日益增长的设备用户提供及时周到的服务。由4个代理商组成的经销服务网络为各行各业提供适用的机器和设备,并给予综合性售后服务,使用户在作业中取得更高的经济效益。 卡特彼勒承诺,以**的优势,为世界各地致力参与基础建设、资源的开发和运输的设备用户,提供物有所值的机器,发动机产品和售后服务。 我们将与合作伙伴及用户一起,在大中华区建设未来。 更多信息请访问 *************更多职位信息请访问 ***********************************


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
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  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 工作时长违反劳动法规定;
  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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