嵌入式软件工程师-变频器 急聘 薪资面议
北京-朝阳区 5-10年 统招本科
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 年度旅游 子女福利 定期体检 餐费补贴 免费班车 公司规模大 管理规范
庞女士 13小时前在线 已认证
Talent Acquisition · 丹佛斯
Job Description 1) Be responsible for/Participate in the whole embedded software development process, including Requirements, Design, Coding, Review, Test, Documentation, Release, etc. 2) To develop embedded hardware-near software or motor control software 3) To maintain software Platform. 4) To support projects on schedule and follow the development status 5) To support product manager and service engineer to solve customer issues 6) To coordinate with global development team on common platform including toolchain, test, requirement, etc Background and skills 1) Hold a bachelor or above degree in software eningeering, electronicelectrical engineering, automation 2) A minimum of 3 years embedded software development experience 3) Skill in C and or C++ 4) Experience in developing embedded software on various micro controllers, ST, GD, Renesas, etc. 5) Experience with all kinds of IDE, such as Keil, IAR, etc 6) Be familiar with RTOS and knowledge of real-time software development 7) Be familiar with OO design and programming 8) Experience with fieldbus development(Profinet, Ethernet IP, EtherCAT, etc) is a plus 9) Experience with motor control(IM or PMSM) is a plus 10) Experience with power electronic and frequency converter is a plus 11) Have good communication skills in English


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