风险控制,AVP 25-30k
杭州-滨江区 10年以上 本科
带薪年假 定期体检 弹性工作 发展空间大 公司规模大
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徐女士 1天前在线 已认证
Who we are looking for: Looking for a Business risk management professional to support the various disciplines, and business unit aligned work in GD and IS Business Risk Management. Ideally we are looking for a candidate with some risk management experience with exposure to the Operational environment at State Street (or similar firm). Why this role is important to us: The team you will be joining is a part of State Street Business Risk Management (BRM), which is a valued partner to the business in the identification, assessment and mitigation of risk, and cultivation of a framework of practices which enable a balance of commercial considerations with the risk excellence objectives established by business leadership. Join us if making your mark in this team from day one is a challenge you are up for. What you will be responsible for: - Formulate, organize and monitor inter-connected initiative - Support business verticals within global delivery and all other key departments with business risk matters - Act as a valued partner to the business in the identification, assessment and mitigation of risk, and cultivation of a framework of practices which enable a balance of commercial considerations with the risk excellence objectives established by business leadership - Provide strategic and tactical leadership on the effectiveness of the risk and control environment and the remediation of areas of risk - Advise the business, product and operating areas, and client-facing teams globally on key risk matters and initiatives - Coordinate with the second and third lines of defense and applicable governance forums to ensure risk management practices across the business align with firmwide risk and control objectives - Provide ongoing guidance to the line of business on new clients, business initiatives and operating arrangements to ensure appropriate risk mitigation - Support the implementation of globally consistent risk and control practices across the business, to the extent practicable from a commercial and regulatory perspective - Collaborate globally to increase awareness and understanding of LE and Regional Nuances across the BRM team. What we value: These skills will help you succeed in this role: - Critical thinker. Ability to solve for complex problems - Dive in to the detail and ensure plans are deliverable and sustainable in an operational environment - Ability to multi-task and remain organized in a fast paced working environment - Strong communication skill, experienced in employee engagement Education & Preferred Qualifications: - Bachelor’s Degree or above - Overall experience of 10+ years in Financial services or Risk Management or both - Experienced in Project Management - Able to face off to senior executives Additional Requirements: - Advanced knowledge of MS Office suite of applications - Excellent writing, data management, and reporting skills - Attention to detail and dedication to pursue data quality - High degree of intellectual curiosity - Superb relationship management skills - Strong oral and written English and Chinese skills are essential


State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT) is a provider of financial services to institutional investors, including investment servicing, investment management and investment research and trading. With US$36.7 trillion in assets under custody and US$3.5 trillion in assets under management globally, State Street operates in 30 countries and more than 100 geographic markets worldwide and employs more than 40,000 employees worldwide. State Street Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of State Street Corporation, is committed to research and development of global financial services in the information technology and financial asset services. The company has more than 4,300 outstanding talents. Since the beginning of 2008 company carried out the financial asset services as our key development business. State Street Hangzhou has become the focus of the strategic development of the company in the Asia Pacific region, or the financial services center of the company's global and Asia Pacific. 美国道富集团成立于1792年,是一家托管银行和资产管理公司,托管的资产高达36.7万亿美元,管理着超过3.5万亿美元的资产(数据截止2022年12月31日)。总部位于美国麻萨诸塞州波士顿,共有40,000多名员工,在30个国家和地区设有分支机构,业务网络遍及全球100多个全球金融市场,在全球金融资产服务业名列前茅。 道富信息科技(浙江)有限公司(以下简称“道富杭州”)是美国道富在中国的全资子公司,致力于研究和开发全球化金融服务中的信息技术和提供金融资产服务。目前公司拥有优秀人才4,300多名。自2008年初开展的金融资产服务也是我们公司的重点发展之一。道富杭州已经成为美国道富公司在亚太区的战略发展重点,还是道富公司全球、亚太区的金融服务中心。


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信托 战略融资 500-999人
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