幼儿园体育老师 8-11k
苏州-工业园区 1-3年 本科
领导好 技能培训 岗位晋升 发展空间大
陈女士 当前在线 已认证
Requirements: 1. Bachelor of Education Degree or above 2. At least 2 years of teaching experience in kindergarten 3. Good English Communication Skills 4. Patience, optimism, compassion, enthusiasm, and empathy. 5. Competent in working in a diverse working environment of students and teachers 6. Excellent in IT skills and ways to apply them in a school setting. Responsibilities: 1. Demonstrate motivation and enthusiasm with a genuine passion for teaching young learners. 2. Demonstrate the ability to create a child-centred classroom. 3. Facilitates children’s physical, cognitive and social and emotional learning through lessons designed to sequentially develop skills appropriate to their ability and confidence levels. 4. Provides engaging, fun, and effective instruction that helps build a health and wellness foundation for young children. 5. Teaches knowledge and skills in physical fitness, health education, rhythms and dance utilizing curriculum and other appropriate learning activities. 6. Provides maximum participation for all students; differentiates as needed to ensure all students experience success. 7. Analyzes, demonstrates and explains basic skills, knowledge and strategies of games, rhythms, and fundamentals of body movement. 8. Develops engaging, effective, and transdisciplinary lesson plans. 9. Provides ongoing formative feedback to students. 10. Demonstrates a growth mindset individually and supports this development with all students. 11. Collaborates with school team members and leaders in providing ideas and support to increase health and wellness, movement, and activity within the classroom. 12. Establishes and maintains standards of student behaviour (IB Learner Profiles) to provide an orderly, productive environment in the physical education areas that support and align with the school Framework. 13. Evaluates each student’s growth in physical skills and knowledge and collaborate with centre staff to share with parents. 14. Effectively use P.E. equipment to support effective instruction and student learning. 15. Communicates with parents and team members on student progress. 16. Supervises student safety in and out of the classroom. 17. Complies with OCAC teaching staff rules and regulations. 18. Attends work regularly.


为了更好地满足海外归国就业人才子女接受国际化教育的需求,在苏州工业园区管委会支持下,中锐教育集团和中新集团合作创办了苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校(Overseas Chinese Academy Suzhou,简称OCAS).这是首家为海归人才子女、华裔华侨子女以及有意愿接受国际教育的中国学生而特别打造的学校。


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 工作时长违反劳动法规定;
  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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