整车预系列配置管理 14-18k·13薪
合肥-包河区 3年以上 本科
年终奖金 五险一金 扁平管理 技能培训 带薪年假
郭先生 当前在线 已认证
整车预系列配置管理 职责: 1.作为预系列零件的准备者,您需要与上游和下游部门和供应商。 2.需要确保零件按时到达并符合项目要求 3.与上游部门沟通,包括研发、采购、物流数据管埋等,以获取零件以确认订单范围的准确性 4.与供应商沟通,确认零件的到达时间。 5.上报、推广和跟进零件到货问题。 6.SAP主数据管理和处理数据交换问题 内部 7管理处置缓冲区和存储。 资格和技能: 1.有强烈的自我驱动力和责任感,富有创新意识,能够充分发挥主观能动性。 2.具备良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神。 3.良好的英语语言能力,德语优先。 4.熟悉海量系统调度结构,SAP 5.全日制大学本科以上学历。 6.熟练使用OFFICE软件。 7.至少3年相关工作经验 这边法企的话就是一周四十个小时工作量,如涉及临时有加班会有加班补贴,出差会有出差补贴,国家法定年假,每做满一年加一天, Vehicle pre-series configuration management Responsibilities: 1. As a preparer of pre-series parts, you need to work with upstream and downstream departments and suppliers. 2. Need to ensure that the parts arrive on time and meet the project requirements 3. Communicate with upstream departments, including R&D, procurement, logistics data management, etc., to obtain parts to confirm the accuracy of the order range 4. Communicate with the supplier to confirm the arrival time of the parts. 5. Report, promote and follow up parts arrival problems. 6.SAP master data management and processing data exchange issues interior 7 Manage disposal buffers and storage. Qualifications and Skills: 1. Have strong self-driving force and sense of responsibility, full of innovation, and can give full play to subjective initiative. 2. Have good communication skills and team spirit. 3. Good English language skills, German is preferred. 4. Familiar with mass system scheduling structure, SAP 5. Full-time college degree or above. 6. Proficient in OFFICE software. 7. At least 3 years relevant working experience


Expleo is a global engineering, technology and consulting service provider that partners with leading organizations to guide them through their business transformation, helping them achieve operational excellence and future-proof their businesses. Expleo benefits from more than 50 years of experience developing complex products, optimizing manufacturing processes, and ensuring the quality of information systems. Leveraging its deep sector knowledge and wide-ranging expertise in fields including AI engineering, digitalization, hyper automation, cybersecurity and data science, the group’s mission is to fast-track innovation through each step of the value chain. Expleo boasts an extensive global footprint, powered by 19,000 highly skilled experts delivering value in 30+ countries. Over the past 50 years, Expleo has supported thousands of clients to achieve their ambitions and future-proof their businesses through our innovative services across engineering, technology and consulting. We are globally recognized for our deep sector knowledge and our ability to reliably execute complex projects. Expleo opened the page in China from 2004, and our engineers are deployed in dozens of cities for the customers from automotive, aerospace, energy and so on. Our management consulting services are designed to help executives and managers navigate complex challenges across sectors, including automotive, aerospace, railway, defense, energy, banking, and insurance. We help leading industries successfully navigate complex digital transformations and deliver measurable ROIs. Our services are designed to meet the needs, allowing them to better understand business operations and provide value revenue generation. We deliver comprehensive product engineering services, from design to certification, our cross-functional engineering teams ensure on-time, on-budget delivery of products, that meet end-user requirements.


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  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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