高级研发系统工程师 (MJ000341) 18-24k
上海-浦东新区 5-10年 统招本科
五险一金 免费班车 年终奖金 带薪年假 节日礼物
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人事招聘专员 · 赫比国际
Support R&D System Engineering Manager to determine product & customer requirements to establish R&D realization plan (product performance, schedule, cost,quality) and ensure the realization to achieve all defined targets. 支持系统工程经理的工作以确定产品规格及客户的需求,制定研发实现计划(产品性能,进度,成本,质量),并确保实现所有既定目标。   1.  Product Program Management 产品项目管理 2.  Support R&D Manager System Engineering on project management of technical planning and realization of new products development and product cost-saving projects 支持并配合系统工程部经理要求,对新产品开发和产品成本节约项目的技术计划和实现进行项目管理 3. Consumer Electronics products 消费电子产品 4. House hold use appliance 家用电器类 5. Commercial use appliance 商用设备类 6. Support R&D product development process and phase gates implementation 支持所做的产品遵循研发部门的开发流程和阶段的实施要求 7. Follow up with ME/EE/QA function team to generate desired output on time 跟进与结构/电子软件/质量团队的沟通并及时完成所需的设计输出文件 8. Support the R&D Profit Center financial agreement and tracking with BD/PMD and Production sites for internal PO process. 支持研发部门作为利润中心的财务协议,与BD/PMD及工厂跟踪内部采购订单的流程 9. Ensure that all targets will be achieved by following a precise planning for R&D internal resources and systematic follow up. 通过对研发部门内部资源的精确规划和系统化跟踪,以便确保所有设计目标的实现 10. Acquire, pursuit and report the program status and coordinates with the program team (Customer, BD/PMD, R&D, Sourcing, Factory, etc.) 获取、跟踪、报告项目进度,并协调与项目内外部团队(客户,BD/PMD,研发,采购,工厂等)。 11. Prepare documents for business and financial justification of product development, for rationalization projects and for decision-making of top management 为产品开发的商业和财务合理性、合理化项目、高层决策等准备相关的业务及财务论证文件。     1. Bachelor in electric or mechanical engineering or Above 电子工程或机械工程本科或以上学历 2. Product ODM/JDM for Consumer Electronics 消费电子类产品的ODM/JDM 3. 5-year working experience is minimum. 最少5年工作经验 4. Good interpersonal and communication skill 良好的人际交往和沟通技巧 5.Good language skill (English & Chinese); written and oral 良好的语言能力(中英文);书面和口头 工作地点:浦东祝桥工业园区内,有班车


Hi-P established its industrial roots as an insert molding and metal forming tool maker founded in 1980. In 1983, current Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Yao Hsiao Tung acquired management of company. After the worldwide recessions of the mid 80's, Hi-P's success flourished with the expansion of overseas manufacturing facilities in 1993. Robust growth throughout the next 10 years, Hi-P is now known as one of the many defining moments, a listing on SGX, the Singapore stock exchange. Today, as a leading contract manufacturing provider, Hi-P maintains a clear focus in contributing to our clients' competitive advantage by developing and providing manufacturing solutions of exceptional value. An efficient, continuous work flow, utilizing the latest in technology and waste-free operations are the hallmark of the company. Coupled with its solid relationships with clients, these elements have provided the economic support to allow Hi-P to grow as a business that lives by its core values of integrity and finding the best possible solutions for our customers.


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