Strategic Marketing Analyst 战略营销专家 30-40k·13薪
上海-徐汇区 5-10年 统招本科
岗位晋升 领导好 公司规模大 发展空间大 定期体检 管理规范 技能培训 团队聚餐 休闲餐点
张女士 当前在线 已认证
高级招聘顾问(副经理级) · 泰科电子(上海)有限公司
Job Summary: The Strategic Marketing Analyst plays a pivotal role in driving growth by conducting in-depth market research, identifying high-potential applications, and pinpointing target customers based on their profile. This position is responsible for incubating strategic marketing campaigns and providing data-driven insights to guide marketing decisions. Key Responsibilities: 1. Conduct comprehensive market research to identify and analyze market trends, customer needs, and competitive landscape. 2. Develop and refine target customer profiles based on firmographics and behavioral data. 3. Identify and evaluate potential applications for products with a focus on high-growth opportunities. 4. Track and measure the performance of marketing campaigns, utilizing analytics tools to gather and interpret data. 5. Implement reporting automation to streamline the process of campaign performance measurement and to provide real-time insights. 6. Oversee the daily operation and management of social media and paid media channels including Baidu, Toutiao, Haosou, and Sogo. 7. Prepare regular reports and presentations for the marketing team and senior management. Required Qualifications: 1. Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or a related field. 2. At least 5 years of experience in market research, preferably in a B2B environment. 3. Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret complex data and draw actionable conclusions. 4. Experience with data visualization and reporting tools, including Tableau, Power BI, or similar. 5. Proficiency in marketing analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics, Salesforce). 6. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. 7. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail. 8. Experience in social media management and paid media advertising platforms in APAC.


关于TE Connectivity TE Connectivity (以下简称“TE”)总部位于瑞士,是全球行业知名技术企业,致力于创造一个更安全、可持续、高效和互连的未来。TE 广泛的连接和传感解决方案经受严苛环境的验证,持续推动着交通、工业应用、医疗技术、能源、数据通信和家居的发展。TE在全球拥有逾85,000名员工,其中8,000多名为工程师,合作的客户遍及全球近140个国家。TE相信“无限连动,尽在其中”。更多信息,请关注TE官方微信“泰科电子 TE Connectivity”。


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