硬件开发工程师 25-30k·16薪
深圳-南山区 10年以上 统招本科
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 年度旅游 团队聚餐 子女福利 定期体检 扁平管理 国际知名优势 公司规模大
彭女士 当前在线 已认证
任职资格: 1、Product requirement development and fully responsible for defining architecture, block diagram and internal stacking and PCBA dimension. Develop design proposal. 2、Lead team to conduct mainboard and sub-board schematic design and layout, DFT and DFM. 3、Optimizing design processes to reduce development costs & schedule. Collaborate closely with R&D and PE to solve problems in design and production processes, ensuring optimal material usage and production efficiency while minimizing costs. 要求: 1、Bachelor’s degree or above & tire one consumer phone up to 10 years. 2、Quite familiar with the existing mobile phone development process and design principles, especially experienced in material selection and cost-saving and optimization. 3、Good understanding of electrical design to cope with regulatory and certification , able to optimize costs and materials from a technical perspective. 4、Practical experience in mobile platform design (Qualcomm 5G SoC/MTK 5G Soc) with successful cost control cases. 5、Non-reference design experience and new test method implementation. 6、Power management design. 7、Have experience in rugged handheld design is plus.


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