Senior Research Engineer(Life Sciences) 高级研发工程师(生命科学) 13-30k
上海 5-10年 硕士
绩效奖金 五险一金 免费班车 管理规范 技能培训 带薪年假 年度旅游 定期体检 自主研发 职业发展
段女士 6天前在线 已认证
Objective of the Position / 岗位目标 1.(60%)Work with business teams closely to identify the new business opportunities in China/Asia for R&D to develop, maintain a strong understanding of the market trends and utilize the product, application, and technical expertise in LS group and CRL to set up. Ensure a strong networking with other LS research teams. 密切地与业务团队合作推动新的当地的商业机会,为研发部门引入新项目,维持对市场趋势的熟悉,并且利用产品、应用、生命科学和公共技术支持部门的专业技术来达到建立新研发项目平台并最终支持事业部的发展的目标。在此过程中确保与其他生命科学研发小组的密切联系。 2. (25%)Lead new horizon projects to drive LS business growth through project management success. 领导、管理新视野项目,为亚洲生命科学业务提供优质的项目管理和输出。 3. (10%)Strictly follow company EHS & 5S policies and regulations. Follow R&D personnel's individual EHS responsibilities listed in 'EHS Responsibilities Management Program'. 遵守公司EHS及5S的政策和规定。履行《环境、职业健康与安全职责管理程序》中研发人员的个人EHS职责 4. (5%)Other assignment by department head. 其他部门相关的事宜 Job Requirements: 1. Master Degree or above, Mechanic Engineering, or polymer, or inorganic material or material engineering related major. 硕士及以上学历,机械工程、高分子材料工程,无机非金属材料,材料科学与工程及工程等相关专业 2. Has 3+ years of R&D project or technical management experience. 有3年以上研发/技术项目管理经验; 3. Has 3+ years of experiences in developing product & systems directly with customers 有3年以上直面客户的产品与系统开发经验; 4. Has 2+ years of experience in electronics related industry is preferred. 有两年以上电子行业经验者优先 5. Fluent English 英语流利 6. Open minded, innovative, driven, good communication skills 思维开放有创新性,积极 主动,具备良好的沟通能力


圣戈班研发(上海)有限公司成立于2005年,是圣戈班全球主要的研发中心之一,位于国家级的闵行经济技术开发区,毗邻多家圣戈班从事高性能塑料、汽车玻璃、磨料磨具、陶瓷、石膏和水泥砂浆的工厂。 我们拥有雄厚的技术力量,科学家们来自于绝大部分先进材料科学领域如聚合物、陶瓷、玻璃、磨料磨具、无机颗粒和粉末、耐火材料等, 研究领域包括材料科学、化学工程、机械工程、建模和建筑物能源以及磨削、涂料、光学检测等。 圣戈班上海研发中心为圣戈班在中国的业务扩张提供了巨大的支持。研发团队成功地帮助圣戈班中国的业务推出了众多具有高性能的创新产品。通过努力,科学家们已经产生了数百种独特的想法和专利,为圣戈班的可持续发展提供了持续的动力。 SGR Shanghai - one of the major R&D centers of Saint-Gobain worldwide is located in the Minhang Development Zone, and at the heart of its Shanghai industrial complex, neighboring 6 of our plants involved in Performance Plastics, Glass for Automotive, Abrasives and Ceramics. Mirroring the extraordinary richness of Saint-Gobain technology, this Center hosts scientists in almost all advanced material sciences from ceramics to polymers, glass to iron cast, crystals to abrasives, inorganic grains & powders to refractories…and reaches variety of research fields including: material science, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, modeling and building energy as long as grinding, coating, Optical Detection etc. SGRS has provided remarkable supports to SG’s business expansion in China and with the supports from our research teams, SG’s BUs in China have developed and launched abundant high-performance innovative products. Scientists in SGRS have helped us generate hundreds of ideas and patents, and thus, provide motive power to the sustainable development of Saint-Gobain.


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