Customer Value Stream Partner 薪资面议
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Talent Acquisition Assistant · 罗氏中国
罗氏促进多元化、公平性和包容性,代表我们所服务的社区。在全球范围内处理医疗保健问题时,多元化是成功的关键因素。我们认为,包容性是理解人们不同医疗保健需求的关键。我们共同拥抱个性,共同抱持对卓越护理的热情。加入罗氏,每个声音都会得到重视。 职位 Key Responsibilities Chair the cross-functional pre Sales & Operations Planning meeting to drive the consensus forecast and balance demand and supply * Lead the consensus forecast alignment discussion with cross-functional teams to evaluate the demand scenarios, assumptions and agree on the 36 months’ forecast updates proposal. * Validate the in-market sales forecast scenarios and assumptions based on the comprehensive understanding about the commercial strategies, competitive landscapes, policies, historical sales and future sales trends, etc. * Drive the decision making for the forecast adjustments through the China S&OP platform. * Ensure the monthly update on 36 months’ ex-factory sales forecast in the Global planning system. * Communicate and share demand scenarios, assumptions, uncertainties, risks and opportunities with the upstream supply chain community. * Lead the demand impact assessment in case of supply issues. * - Establish and closely coordinate risk mitigation actions with the commercial teams to support write-off mitigations or supply shortage. * - Coordination of manual order allocation with MCE and CE when needed. * Facilitate cross-functional discussions to collaboratively assess the impacts of regulatory/policy changes and develop comprehensive business solutions. These solutions may involve providing recommendations for bridging stock, filing strategies, and allocation strategies. * KPI Owner of sales forecast accuracy and forecast bias. * Monitor key performance indicators, flag risks and identify opportunities to drive more accurate demand management. Ensure fit-for-purpose supply chain setting and launch success by developing and co-designing China new launch product supply chain strategy in line with the business strategy * Lead the local Launch Supply Readiness (LSR) process, including monitoring the launch pipeline and commercial launch strategies. Proactively initiate the LSR process in a timely manner, collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure prompt and effective launch supply preparation. * Collaborate with global/local teams to develop China supply chain mid-long term strategies, e.g. country ecosystem consideration, product lifecycle insights, filing site preference, launch scenarios management, etc. * Bring supply chain insights to the commercial launch strategy, including the launch presentation preference and priorities, regulatory change impact assessment, etc. * Responsible for the development of the launch ex-factory sales forecast in volume. * Provide demand insights, launch scenarios assessment and support for the local/global Launch Supply Readiness discussions. * Translate future healthcare landscape changes to identify value adding opportunities. Ensure better customer experience through the Voice of Customer process and partnering with commercial teams * Co-design and maintain the Voice of Customer process to collect feedback from customers. * Develop a deep understanding of patients and customers’ pain points. * Deliver insights to ensure the improvement of customer experience and help the organization drive better patient impact. * Understand new technologies, market trends, gather information and practices to design and implement customer specific supply chain solutions for specific products. * Drive and measure improvements in customer experience. * Co-create the product distribution strategy around customer requirements. * Projects – Support deployment of new planning processes and systems. Participate in local and global projects where required. Qualifications * Bachelor’s degree in Business / Finance / Supply Chain discipline or equivalent. * 10+ years’ experience of relevant work experience preferred. * Deep understanding of the external environment (healthcare set up, regulation, providers) and customer/patient segments and needs. * Strong business acumen. * Deep understanding of upstream supply chain processes and E2E mindset and ability to represent the Roche E2E Supply Chain network. * Capability to translate the future healthcare landscape changes to supply chain challenges and opportunities (i.e. to design future proof end to end supply chain solutions). * Customer centricity and growth mindset. * Effective communicator with great presentation and facilitation skills. * Outcome-based, solution-oriented, enterprise-thinking mindset. * Collaborator, influencer and strategic thinker. * Experience in leading matrix groups and projects. * Fluent in English and Mandarin spoken and written. Other languages spoken and written will be added advantages. 我们是谁 在罗氏,来自100个国家的100,000名员工不断推动着健康医疗行业的进步。我们一同工作,使罗氏成为了世界领先的以研发为基础的健康医疗集团。我们的成功源于创新、求知和多元化,也源于我们把相互间的差异作为一种优势。为了革新医疗健康领域,罗氏设定了远大的计划,坚持学习和发展,并不断寻找与之志同道合的伙伴。 罗氏中国由制药和诊断两大业务领域组成,员工总数超过7000人。作为全球个体化医疗的领导者,罗氏制药和罗氏诊断均在中国建成了完整的价值产业链,包括研究、开发、生产、营销等环节。未来,上海将成为罗氏继巴塞尔和旧金山之后的第三大全球战略中心,而罗氏也将继续践行对中国的长期承诺,满足中国患者的未尽之需。 罗氏提供平等的职业发展机会。


罗氏成立于1896年,总部位于瑞士巴塞尔,拥有125余年悠久历史。罗氏致力于不断探索从前沿科学到疾病诊断和治疗药物的成果转化,挽救生命、改善人类生活质量,在抗肿瘤、免疫、抗感染、眼科和神经科学领域拥有差异化药物。 作为个体化医疗的倡导者,罗氏不遗余力地推进医疗健康发展,以期创造更大价值。凭借制药和诊断两大领域的独特优势,结合临床实践中的数据洞察,罗氏积极携手合作伙伴,致力于为每位患者提供合适的治疗方案。 罗氏总部位于瑞士巴塞尔,业务遍及全球150多个国家。罗氏连续15年位列道琼斯指数(DJSI)制药、生物技术和生命科学领域可持续发展的全球先行者之一。这是对罗氏携手全球合作伙伴,为提升医疗健康可及性长期贡献的高度认可。 美国基因泰克公司(Genentech)是罗氏集团的全资子公司。此外,罗氏也是日本中外制药株式会社(Chugai)的控股方。 更多关于罗氏集团的信息,请登陆罗氏全球网站。


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
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  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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