疲劳耐久CAE工程师 10-12k
北京-顺义区 1-3年 学历不限
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王先生 15小时前在线 已认证
岗位职责: 1. 负责车型的车身BIP及TB CAE仿真模型的搭建 2. 负责车型的车身疲劳、车身静强度、车身子系统工况刚强度分析及报告输出 3.负责车型的车身架构方案及轻量化方案分析 4. 对不合格的工况能独立找到不满足要求的原因,并根据结构变形、应变能、应力分布等进行优化 5. 能够对满足要求的结构主动提出轻量化方案并进行验证 任职要求: 1. 车身BIP、TB搭建熟练、有白车身静强度、疲劳分析经验, 2. ANSA、HM、nCode、Abaqus软件使用熟练 3. 熟悉车身疲劳、车身静强度、车身子系统工况刚强度分析及优化 4. 主动积极沟通分析结果


优华劳斯汽车事业部是全球知名的工程设计、展车试制及样车制造供应商,是众多知名汽车厂商的重要合作伙伴。业务范围涉及全过程整车设计开发、乘用车出口进入欧美市场的工程及认证服务、展车试制及样车制造、整车测试和道路试验、汽车改装及改装套件的开发与销售等领域。 优华劳斯经过十余年在中国的运营发展,依托核心战略合作伙伴美国***的汽车研发公司ROUSH的强大技术支撑。 中国区技术中心坐落在上海安亭国际汽车城核心研发区,紧邻上海国际汽车城科技创新港、蔚来汽车、上汽乘用车及上汽大众,总建筑面积超过五万平方米。 GEEO Automotive is an international automotive engineering services company which provides vehicle engineering, show car design and build, and prototype fabrication services to automotive OEM and Tier supplier companies. The company provides a broad range of vehicle engineering services with the emphasis in the entire process of vehicle design and development, engineering and certification support for the exportation of domestic passenger cars to Europe and the United States, prototypes and show car manufacturing. It has recently added vehicle road testing and vehicle kit modifications to its product portfolio. Its customers include many of the global automotive companies, although it primarily serves US companies expanding operations in China, and Chinese companies beginning operations in America. The company has been operating in China for over 10 years and has grown into a leading R&D provider for the Chinese automotive industry. GEEO Automotive partners with a number of other industry suppliers, and has strategic partnerships with Roush Engineering, the largest US independent automotive engineering provider, and GFG,the famous Italian design company. It’s technical center with total building area more than 50,000 square meters is strategically located in the core R&D area of Shanghai Anting International Auto City next to R&D technology harbor, SVW, NIO, SAIC, etc.


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